Dostoiévski: vida e obra

Dostoiévski: vida e obra pdf


Stefan Zweig









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Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) was an Austrian writer of Jewish descent. A distinguished Austrian writer and one of the most prominent writers in Europe at the beginning of the last century, he was famous for his extensive studies dealing with the lives of famous writers such as: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Balzac and Roman Rolland. Tightness in the lives of these notorious celebrities. Stefan Zweig has written many plays, novels and articles. His autobiographical work "Yesterday's World" was published to him after his suicide. He obtained British citizenship after the Nazis took power in Germany. He has lived on the move in South America since 1940. Among his well-known novels are: 24 Hours in the Life of a Woman, and Beware of Pity, Builders of the World. Stefan decided to get rid of life while witnessing the collapse of world peace and the scourge of World War II. I did it without fear and did not forget to thank the government of Brazil, where he committed suicide for the hospitality and care, knowing that the late had obtained British citizenship shortly before his suicide. A farewell letter, including a letter to his first wife, after which Stefan Zweig and his second wife entered the bedroom and in one moment swallowed dozens of sleeping pills and embraced tenderly and hugged. The next day, the servants of the house broke into the bedroom because they were late in waking up to find the writer and his wife had died. In an eternal embrace and without making a fuss, the writer did not forget to give his pampered dog a large dose of hypnotics, so he slept in turn in front of the bedroom door.

Book Description

Dostoiévski: vida e obra pdf by Stefan Zweig

Ensaísta fecundo, que escreveu sobre a vida e a obra de grandes escritores e pensadores como Tolstói, Freud, Balzac, Hölderlin e Nietzsche, neste ensaio biográfico sobre Dostoiévski, magistral e brilhante como todos os demais, Stefan Zweig se supera na visão da vida e obra de um dos maiores gênios da literatura em todos os tempos. A identidade entre Stefan Zweig e os gênios que ele biografou se funda num conjunto de crenças e valores que vão muito além dos aspectos simplesmente estéticos. Poderíamos dizer que há uma profunda identificação entre Zweig e seus biografados, o que o faz sentir-se excepcionalmente à vontade para falar da vida, da obra, dos temas que abraçaram, das dúvidas, das crenças, das doenças e até mesmo dos tormentos morais e sentimentais de cada um deles. No caso deste Dostoiévski, como em poucos dos demais, é flagrante e apaixonante a percepção dessa identidade, que se traduz na notável e notória eloquência de Zweig, cujo texto pleno de paixão e entusiasmo, sem nenhum exagero, surpreende pelo brilho e a cintilação coruscante dos diamantes mais finos.

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