El Arte De Morir

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Chandra Mohan Jain (December 11, 1931 - January 19, 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh from 1960 onwards, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh between 1970 and 1980, and Osho since 1989. He was an Indian mystic, guru and spiritual teacher followers from all over the world. A professor of philosophy, he traveled all over India during the 1960s as a public speaker. His outspoken criticism of socialism, Mahatma Gandhi and organized religions stirred controversy around him. He advocated a more open attitude towards sexual relations, which earned him the nickname "sex guru" in the Indian and later world press. In 1970 Rajneesh settled for a time in Bombay where he became a spiritual teacher among his disciples known as the Neo-Sunnis. In Talks he reinterpreted the writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around the world. He moved to Pune in 1974 where he established an ashram (silo) that attracted increasing numbers of Westerners. In mid-1981 Rajneesh moved to the United States, where his followers established an intentional community (later known as Rajneeshpuram) in Oregon. He was arrested and charged with violating immigration laws. Rajneesh was deported from the US under a plea bargain. Twenty-one countries banned him from entering their territories, and he finally returned to Pune, where he died in 1990. The Rajneesh Ashram in Pune is today known as the Osho International Meditation Producer. His interfaith teaching emphasizes the importance of contemplation, awareness, love, celebration, courage, creativity and humour: qualities that were seen as suppressed and repressed by adherence to fixed belief systems, religious traditions and socialization. Rajneesh's teachings have had a notable influence on Western spirituality, as well as New Age thought, and have increased in popularity since his death.

Book Description

El Arte De Morir pdf by Osho : Chandra Mohan Jain

«La vida es vivir. No es un objeto; es un proceso. No hay otra forma de conocer lo que es la vida más que viviendo, estando vivo, fluyendo, discurriendo con ella. Si buscas el significado de la vida en algún dogma, en una determinada filosofía, en una teología, da por seguro que te perderás lo que es la vida y su significado. La vida no te está esperando en ninguna parte; te está sucediendo. No se encuentra en el futuro como una meta que has de alcanzar; está aquí y ahora, en este mismo momento, en tu respirar, en la circulación de tu sangre, en el latir de tu corazón. Cualquier cosa que seas, es tu vida, y si te pones a buscar significados en otra parte, te la perderás.» Como todo el mundo sabe, la muerte es algo que siempre le sucede a los demás: a gente ajena a ti, desconocidos, extraños. No es algo imaginable para uno mismo. Este libro podría hacer concebible el admitir tu mortalidad. Incluso podría hacer que esta perspectiva se convierta en algo interesante o que despierte un cierto sentido de la curiosidad, no hasta el punto de querer saltar debajo del próximo autobús, sino hasta el de poderte relajar en lo inevitable. Y la vida, liberada del miedo, podría aparecer como algo más agradable. La singular perspectiva de Osho, que entiende la muerte como un momento único de celebración -si sabemos cómo vivir la vida, sabremos cómo morir-, transpira de estas charlas basadas en anécdotas originales de la tradición de los místicos hasídicos, a la vez que nos ofrece sus respuestas a las a menudo hilarantes preguntas que le son planteadas durante la celebración de los encuentros.

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