El silencio de los animales

El silencio de los animales pdf


James Clear









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James Clear is an American author, entrepreneur, and coach who has gained worldwide recognition for his work on behavior change and productivity. He is particularly famous for his book "Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones" (2018), which has become a New York Times bestseller.

Born and raised in the United States, Clear attended the Ohio University, where he earned dual degrees in Biology and Business Administration. While studying, he founded his first company, which marked the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey.

Clear is passionate about helping people change their behaviors and improve their lives. He is an expert in the science of behavior change and has written numerous articles, delivered keynote speeches, and launched podcasts on the topic.

His book "Atomic Habits" is a practical guide to building habits that lead to long-term success. It is based on the idea that small changes in daily life can lead to significant improvements in the future. The book is easy to read and contains many examples and practical exercises that help the reader change their behavior and improve their life.

In addition to his writing, Clear is a highly sought-after speaker and consultant. He works with numerous companies, sports teams, and other organizations to help them improve their behaviors and processes in order to increase their productivity.

Clear's approach to building habits has attracted many followers, and his work has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve their goals and change their behaviors. His work has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including being included in the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2015.

In summary, James Clear is an inspiring writer and entrepreneur who has helped many people improve their lives through his books on behavior change and productivity. His practical and easy-to-follow approach has been highly effective for those seeking to improve their daily lives and achieve long-term success.

Book Description

El silencio de los animales pdf by James Clear

sobre el progreso y otros mitos modernos

El progreso como meta última de la existencia humana es una creencia tan difundida que ya casi ni la advertimos. De esta manera, buena parte de la estructura sociopolítica, al menos, en Occidente, gira en torno a esta idea, entendida particularmente como crecimiento económico y desarrollo tecnológico. Sin embargo, en este lúcido ensayo John Gray cuestiona la idea de progreso como uno más de los mitos que estructuran la existencia humana: «Para aquéllos que viven dentro de un mito, éste parece un hecho obvio. El progreso humano es un hecho obvio».

Gray argumenta cómo la fe en el progreso no está reñida con una estructura mental religiosa y, de hecho, es un derivado del cristianismo, pues fue Cristo el primer profeta que anunció el fin de los tiempos, con lo que la historia dejó de ser circular y cíclica, para convertirse en una marcha hacia la salvación final. En su reflexión sobre el progreso, Gray no teme a la incorrección política, y de ahí que afirme, por ejemplo, que los ideales del autogobierno a menudo han justificado el odio político que ha culminado en limpiezas étnicas; o que si bien la libertad se enarbola como una de las grandes aspiraciones del hombre, la historia sociopolítica revela que en la práctica sucede lo contrario, y que los hombres renuncian a ella gustosos para pertenecer a movimientos que den sentido a sus vidas.

El silencio de los animales explora la actual crisis existencial de la humanidad con una inteligencia y valentía cada vez más difíciles de encontrar en el pensamiento contemporáneo.

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