Escritos Sobre Psicoanalisis Freud Y Lacan

Escritos Sobre Psicoanalisis Freud Y Lacan pdf


Louis Althusser








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Louis Pierre Althusser (French: 16 October 1918 – 22 October 1990) was a French Marxist philosopher. He was born in Algeria and studied at the École normale supérieure in Paris, where he eventually became Professor of Philosophy.Althusser was a long-time member and sometimes a strong critic of the French Communist Party (Parti communiste français, PCF). His arguments and theses were set against the threats that he saw attacking the theoretical foundations of Marxism. These included both the influence of empiricism on Marxist theory, and humanist and reformist socialist orientations which manifested as divisions in the European communist parties, as well as the problem of the cult of personality and of ideology. Althusser is commonly referred to as a structural Marxist, although his relationship to other schools of French structuralism is not a simple affiliation and he was critical of many aspects of structuralism.Althusser's life was marked by periods of intense mental illness. In 1980, he killed his wife, the sociologist Hélène Rytmann, by strangling her. He was declared unfit to stand trial due to insanity and committed to a psychiatric hospital for three years. He did little further academic work, dying in 1990.

Book Description

Escritos Sobre Psicoanalisis Freud Y Lacan pdf by Louis Althusser

Louis Althusser is perhaps better remembered for strangling his wife to death during a fit of temporary insanity than for most of his writings (with the possible exception of his essay on the "ideological state apparatus," an explication of normalizing social institutions that has become standard fare in academic postmodernism), but he was one of the key figures in postwar French philosophy. Writings on Psychoanalysis is a collection of essays, article drafts, and correspondence that displays the extent of his intellectual grappling with Freud's writings and with contemporary psychoanalytic theorist Jacques Lacan, a former friend whom Althusser would gradually come to view as a "magnificent and pitiful Harlequin." (Two of the pieces here deal with the 1980 conference at which Althusser vehemently broke with Lacan, ostensibly over the latter's stifling position of dominance among their colleagues.) Writings on Psychoanalysis is a bit heavy-going and theoretical in places, but of unique historical interest.
"Estos Escritos sobre el psicoanálisis constituyen el p rim ero de los tres volúm enes de escritos teóricos de Louis A lthusser previstos p o rÉditions Stock y el Instituí M ém oire de la Édition C ontem poraine.
Durante la exploración de los archivos de Louis A lthusser nos pareció
im prescindible esta recopilación. Lejos de reducirse a u n artículo aislado: “F reud y L acan”, a algunas peripecias: la “cuestión Tbilissi” o
la disolución de la Escuela F reudiana de París, y a u n a experiencia individual, la relación de Louis A lthusser con el psicoanálisis fue asim ismo, insistentem ente, u n a relación teórica, q u e data de m ucho tiem po atrás. En efecto, si nos atenem os a su agenda, el propio
A lthusser dictó u n a conferencia sobre el psicoanálisis d e los niños el 13 de noviem bre de 1959, probablem ente proseguida el 16 de noviem bre, p ero no q u edó ninguna huella en sus archivos. El 16 o 19 d e noviem bre Em m anuel Terray, entonces alum no suyo, habló del “psi coanálisis de las psicosis”: al parecer m uy atento a esta ponencia, cen trad a en F reud pero que evocaba asim ismo a M elanie Klein, A lthusser conservó las notas que tom ó. El 3 de diciem bre de 1959 Alain B adiou habló de Lacan, y la agenda de A lthusser tiene en la fecha del 11 d e diciem bre la siguiente anotación: “presentación de L acan”. Prim eros indicios."

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