Heredaran La Tierra: Esquemas Biblicos Para La Economia Politica

Heredaran La Tierra: Esquemas Biblicos Para La Economia Politica pdf


Gary North









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Gary Kilgore North  was an American writer, Austrian School economic historian, and leading figure in the Christian reconstructionist movement. North authored or coauthored over fifty books on topics including Reformed Protestant theology, economics, and history. He was an Associated Scholar of the Mises Institute.
He is known for his advocacy of biblical or "radically libertarian" economics and also as a theorist of dominionism and theonomy. He supported the establishment and enforcement of Bible-based religious law, a view which put him in conflict with other libertarians.He believed that capital punishment is appropriate punishment for male homosexuality, adultery, blasphemy, abortion, and witchcraft. North was born in San Pedro, California, on February 11, 1942, and grew up in Southern California, the son of FBI special agent Samuel W. North Jr. and his wife Peggy. North converted to Christianity in high school and began frequenting conservative book-stores in the Los Angeles area during his college years.Between 1961 and 1963, while an undergraduate student at University of California, Riverside, North became acquainted with the works of Wilhelm Röpke, Rose Wilder Lane, Cornelius Van Til, Austrian School economists Eugen Böhm von Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek and Murray Rothbard, and also read the works of Calvinist philosopher Rousas John Rushdoony.Later he married Rushdoony's daughter, collaborated with him and eulogized Rushdoony in a blog post on Starting in 1967, North became a contributor to the libertarian journal The Freeman where he had first read the work of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek.In the 1970s, he was the director of seminars for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). North received a PhD in history from the University of California, Riverside in 1972. His dissertation was The Concept of Property in Puritan New England, 1630–1720.
He served as research assistant for libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul in Paul's first term (1976). North was a regular contributor to the website, which lists an extensive archive of his articles there. North's own website,, posts commentary on religious, social, and political issues and offers paid access to investment advice and other premium content. North also published a blog called Deliverance from Debt which provided advice about relief from debt. Another North website, "Free Christian Curriculum", seeks to provide a free Christian homeschooling curriculum for children from age 3 through grade 12.

Book Description

Heredaran La Tierra: Esquemas Biblicos Para La Economia Politica pdf by Gary North

El progreso social proviene de la acumulaci6n y la-.utilizaciiin de la riqwza. En una econonia Iibre, la riqueza resulta como consecuencia del trtiajo y la J+ugalzdad– o sea, del cariicter. Con frecuencia se acumula capital por medio de una herencia, un dere-cho dado por Dies que se enfatiza fuertemente en la Biblia. Segin Proverbios 13:22, “El bueno dejar~herederos a 10Shijos de sus hijos: pero la riqueza del pecador esti guardada para el juste.” La herencia hate posible la acumulacitk no solo de la riqueza dentro de la familia sino tambii% del poder social.El poder es ineludible en cualquier orden social: o puede concentrarse en el Estado, o se puede permi-tirle prosperar doquiera la habi idad 10 haga surgirentre la gente. Esta riqueza descentralizada conlleva un pode; descentralizado e independiente. En vez de una concentraci6n del poder en el Estado, hay una descentralizaci6n de poder que fluye de acuerdo a las metas variables e independientes.

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