Idiótákkal körülvéve

Idiótákkal körülvéve pdf


Thomas Erikson








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Thomas Erikson is a Swedish author, speaker, and behavioral expert who is best known for his book "Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life)." Erikson's work centers on understanding human behavior and improving communication skills to enhance relationships and interactions.

Thomas Erikson is a leading expert in the field of human behavior and communication. His practical and accessible approach has made his work invaluable to anyone seeking to improve their communication skills and enhance their relationships.

Erikson began his career in marketing and management, working for companies such as Coca-Cola and Dell. He later transitioned to a career in coaching and training, where he applied his knowledge of human behavior to help individuals and organizations improve their communication skills.

Erikson's book "Surrounded by Idiots" has been a tremendous success, selling millions of copies worldwide and translated into over 40 languages. In the book, Erikson presents a model of human behavior that categorizes people into four different personality types: red, yellow, green, and blue. He explains how each type thinks, communicates, and behaves, and provides strategies for effectively communicating with each type.

Erikson's book has been praised for its practicality and accessibility, making complex psychological concepts understandable and applicable to everyday life. It has become a popular resource for individuals, teams, and organizations seeking to improve communication and collaboration.

he has been traveling all over Europe delivering lectures and seminars to executives and managers at a wide range of companies, including IKEA, Coca Cola, Microsoft, and Volvo.

In addition to his writing, Erikson is also a sought-after speaker, delivering keynote addresses and training sessions on topics such as communication, leadership, and team building. He has worked with a wide range of clients, including large corporations, universities, and government agencies.

Erikson's expertise has earned him recognition and accolades. He has been named one of Sweden's top speakers and trainers and has received numerous awards for his contributions to the field of communication and leadership.

Erikson's work is especially relevant in today's rapidly changing and diverse world, where effective communication is crucial for success in both personal and professional contexts. By providing a framework for understanding different personality types and how to communicate with them, Erikson's work has helped countless individuals and organizations improve their communication skills and build stronger relationships.

Book Description

Idiótákkal körülvéve pdf by Thomas Erikson

Te ​milyen színű vagy?

  • Vajon egy impulzív, beszédes sárga, aki általában a társaság középpontja?
  • Egy rendmániás, analitikus kék, akinél még a törölközők is derékszögben állnak?
  • Talán egy célorientált, öntudatos vörös, akárcsak a vezetők többsége?
  • Vagy egy türelmes, csapatjátékos zöld, mint amilyen Jézus is volt?

Érezted már úgy, mintha mindenki szembejönne? Vannak olyan ismerőseid, akik akkor sem értik meg mit akarsz mondani, ha már hangosan beszélsz velük? Ebben az esetben ez a könyv neked szól. Tele olyan valódi élethelyzettel, melyben garantáltan felismered magad és a körülötted élőket. „Aha, ez tényleg én vagyok!”, máskor meg, „Á, akkor ezt ezért csinálja…”

Az Idiótákkal körülvéve egy szórakoztató, olvasmányos és mindenekelőtt rendkívül hasznos útmutató mai világunk és embertársaink megértéséhez. Hétköznapi példáit könnyen érthető tudományos alapossággal veszi górcső alá, ezzel segít az olvasónak megérteni a kommunikáció különböző módjait. A mindennapos konfliktusok egyik leggyakoribb oka a rossz kommunikáció miután elolvastad ezt a könyvet, garantáltan kevesebb idióta lesz körülötted. Találd meg az utat te is magadhoz és a többiekhez!

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