Il dilemma dello sconosciuto

Il dilemma dello sconosciuto Book review








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born: (3 September 1963)
is an English born Canadian journalist, author, and public speaker.He has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996.Gladwell's writings often deal with the unexpected implications of research in the social sciences, like sociology and psychology, and make frequent and extended use of academic work. Gladwell was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2011.Gladwell was born in Fareham, Hampshire, England. His mother is Joyce (née Nation) Gladwell, a Jamaican psychotherapist. His father, Graham Gladwell, was a mathematics professor from Kent, England.When he was six his family moved from Southampton to the Mennonite community of Elmira, Ontario, Canada.He has two brothers.Throughout his childhood, Malcolm lived in rural Ontario Mennonite country, where he attended a Mennonite church.Research done by historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. revealed that one of Gladwell's maternal ancestors was a Jamaican free woman of colour (mixed black and white) who was a slaveowner.His great-great-great-grandmother was of Igbo ethnicity from Nigeria, West Africa. In the epilogue of his book Outliers he describes many lucky circumstances that came to his family over the course of several generations, contributing to his path towards success.Gladwell has said that his mother is his role model as a writer.
 He has published seven books:
-The Tipping Point (2000)
-Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005)
-Outliers: The Story of Success (2008)
-What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (2009)
-David and Goliath (2013)
-Talking To Strangers (2019)
-The Bomber Mafia (2021)

Book Description

Il dilemma dello sconosciuto book review by Malcolm Gladwell

Il dilemma dello sconosciuto: Perché è cosi difficile capire chi non conosciamo

La verità sugli altri non è un oggetto compatto e scintillante, che possiamo portare alla luce se siamo in grado di sondare con attenzione e poi scavare a fondo. Quello che riusciamo a capire di uno sconosciuto sarà sempre fragile come un cristallo. Al minimo errore, andrà in mille pezzi
"Tanti anni fa, quando i miei genitori vennero a trovarmi a New York, pensai di sistemarli al Mercer Hotel. Lo feci un po’ per scherzo: il Mercer è un posto chic ed esclusivo, uno di quelli scelti dai vip e dalle celebrità. Erano entrambi, in particolare mio padre, del tutto estranei a questo genere di cose. Non guardava la televisione, non andava al cinema e non ascoltava la musica pop. Avrebbe scambiato il magazine “People” per una rivista di antropologia. Le sue aree di competenza erano molto specifiche: la matematica, il giardinaggio e la Bibbia."

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