Inibição, sintoma e angústia: o futuro de uma ilusão e outros textos 1926-29

Inibição, sintoma e angústia: o futuro de uma ilusão e outros textos 1926-29 pdf


Sigmund Freud








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He is an Austrian doctor of Jewish origin, who specialized in studying neuroscience and a free thinker. It considered the founder of psychoanalysis. His real name was Sigismund Shlomo Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939), an Austrian neurologist who founded the school of psychoanalysis and modern psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the mind and the unconscious, the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for the treatment of mental illness through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. He is also known for his technique of redefining sexual desire and the primary motivational energy of human life, as well as for therapeutic techniques, including the use of the method of association and psychotherapy episodes, his theory of transformation in the therapeutic relationship, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into subconscious desires. While many of Freud's ideas were bypassed, or modified by neoconservatives and "Freudians" at the end of the twentieth century and with the progress in the field of psychology many flaws began to appear in many of his theories, yet Freud's methods and ideas remain important in Histories of clinical and psychodynamic methods are in academia, and his ideas continue to influence some of the humanities and social sciences. Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856, into a Jewish family in Pribor, in the then Moravian region of the Austrian Empire, which is now part of the Czech Republic. His father Jacob gave birth to him when he was 41, a wool merchant, and had two children from a previous marriage. . His mother, Amali (born Nathanson) was the third wife of his father Jacob. Freud was the first of eight siblings, and due to his early intelligence, his parents preferred him to the rest of his brothers in the early stages of his childhood and sacrificed everything to give him a sound education despite the poverty that the family suffered from due to the economic crisis at the time. In 1857, Freud's father lost his business, and the family moved to Leipzig before settling in Vienna. In 1865 Sigmund entered a prominent school - the Communal Real Gymnasium in the predominantly Jewish district of Leopolstadter - at the time. Freud was an outstanding student and graduated at Matura in 1873 with honors. Freud had planned to study law, but instead joined the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna to study under Darwinian Professor Karl Claus. At the time, the life of the eel was still unknown, which led Freud to spend four weeks at an Austrian animal research center in Trieste dissecting hundreds of sea eels in an unsuccessful search for their male sexual organs.

Book Description

Inibição, sintoma e angústia: o futuro de uma ilusão e outros textos 1926-29 pdf by Sigmund Freud

Entre os textos do volume 17, aquele considerado mais importante é o ensaio teórico Inibição, sintoma e angústia, em que Freud faz uma revisão do seu conceito de angústia, distingue entre repressão e defesa e diferencia cinco tipos de resistência, entre vários outros temas. Em O futuro de uma ilusão, que causou controvérsia quando foi publicado, ele reflete sobre a natureza e o destino da religião e faz a apologia da razão como a única via para o conhecimento, no espírito dos iluministas do século XVIII. A questão da análise leiga, escrito em forma de diálogo, é, ao mesmo tempo, uma brilhante exposição da teoria e da prática da psicanálise e uma defesa da autonomia desta em relação à medicina, do seu exercício por terapeutas sem formação médica. Dos textos menores do volume, merecem destaque “O Fetichismo” e “Dostoiévski e o parricídio”. No primeiro, o fetiche é explicado como um sucedâneo do pênis que o garoto atribui à mulher na infância. O segundo analisa a personalidade do escritor russo com base no “complexo de Édipo”. Com a publicação desses dois livros, a coleção das obras de Freud alcança dez volumes contínuos, do 9 ao 18, incluindo todos os textos publicados entre 1909 e 1936. O próximo volume será o de número 8, com o ensaio sobre a Gradiva, o caso do “Pequeno Hans” e outros textos de 1906-1909.

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