La Ligne verte

La Ligne verte pdf


Stephen King









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Stephen King is an American author best known for his contributions to the horror, supernatural fiction, and suspense genres. He was born in Portland, Maine in 1947 and began his writing career as a teenager, submitting short stories to various magazines. After graduating from college, King worked as a teacher while continuing to write in his spare time. His breakthrough novel, "Carrie," was published in 1974 and became a bestseller, launching his career as a full-time writer.

King is known for his prolific output, having written over 60 novels and 200 short stories throughout his career. Many of his books have been adapted into successful films and TV series, such as "The Shining," "It," and "The Stand." He has also won numerous awards for his work, including the Bram Stoker Award, the World Fantasy Award, and the National Medal of Arts.

King's writing style is characterized by his ability to create vivid and often terrifying imagery, as well as his focus on exploring the darkest aspects of the human psyche. He has tackled a wide range of subjects in his work, from the supernatural and the paranormal to more grounded themes such as addiction, family dynamics, and the struggles of everyday life.

Despite his success, King has also faced criticism for the often graphic and violent content of his work. Nevertheless, he remains one of the most popular and influential writers of his generation, with legions of fans around the world eagerly awaiting his next release.

In addition to his writing, King has also been an advocate for various causes, including freedom of expression and gun control. He has been active on social media, often sharing his thoughts on current events and engaging with his fans.

Book Description

La Ligne verte pdf by Stephen King

Octobre 1932, pénitencier d'État, Cold Mountain, Louisiane. Le bloc E, celui des condamnés à mort, reçoit un nouveau pensionnaire : John Caffey rejoint ceux qui attendent de franchir la ligne verte pour rencontrer la chaise électrique, Miss Cent Mille Volts. Mais Caffey n'est pas comme les autres. D'accord, on l'a retrouvé auprès des cadavres ensanglantés de deux petites filles, mais il est étrangement absent. Jusqu'au jour où Paul, le gardien-chef, tombe malade et alors une terrible vérité semble s'esquisser. Qui est ce prétendu meurtrier aux pouvoirs étranges ? Qui dresse Mister Jingles, l'étrange souris, bien trop intelligente ? Quand Paul commence à répondre à ces questions, il sent que personne dans le bloc E ne sortira indemne de la rencontre avec John Caffey.
Renouant avec la tradition des feuilletonistes, Stephen King, le prolifique auteur de fantastique, propose un récit troublant, initialement en six volumes, entre roman noir et conte de fées, dont a été tiré un film, La Ligne verte, avec Tom Hanks.

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