Martıları Seven Adam

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Chandra Mohan Jain (December 11, 1931 - January 19, 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh from 1960 onwards, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh between 1970 and 1980, and Osho since 1989. He was an Indian mystic, guru and spiritual teacher followers from all over the world. A professor of philosophy, he traveled all over India during the 1960s as a public speaker. His outspoken criticism of socialism, Mahatma Gandhi and organized religions stirred controversy around him. He advocated a more open attitude towards sexual relations, which earned him the nickname "sex guru" in the Indian and later world press. In 1970 Rajneesh settled for a time in Bombay where he became a spiritual teacher among his disciples known as the Neo-Sunnis. In Talks he reinterpreted the writings of religious traditions, mystics and philosophers from around the world. He moved to Pune in 1974 where he established an ashram (silo) that attracted increasing numbers of Westerners. In mid-1981 Rajneesh moved to the United States, where his followers established an intentional community (later known as Rajneeshpuram) in Oregon. He was arrested and charged with violating immigration laws. Rajneesh was deported from the US under a plea bargain. Twenty-one countries banned him from entering their territories, and he finally returned to Pune, where he died in 1990. The Rajneesh Ashram in Pune is today known as the Osho International Meditation Producer. His interfaith teaching emphasizes the importance of contemplation, awareness, love, celebration, courage, creativity and humour: qualities that were seen as suppressed and repressed by adherence to fixed belief systems, religious traditions and socialization. Rajneesh's teachings have had a notable influence on Western spirituality, as well as New Age thought, and have increased in popularity since his death.

Book Description

Martıları Seven Adam pdf by Osho : Chandra Mohan Jain

  • Deniz kenarında yaşayan ve martıları seven bir adam vardı. Her sabah denize inip martılarla dolaşırdı. Yanına sayılamayacak kadar çok, yüzlerce kuş gelirdi. Bir gün babası ona dedi ki, Martıların seninle dolaşmaya geldiklerini duyuyorum birkaçını bana getir de oynayayım. Ertesi gün, deniz kıyısına gittiğinde, martılar başının üstünde turladılar ama aşağı inip yanına gelmediler. Yaşam, bir dedikodudan ibaret, yaradılışın sonsuz sessizliğinde anlatılan bir dedikodudan ve insanoğlu dedikodu üreten bir tür. Bir Tanrı değilsen mutlaka dedikoduyu seviyorsundur: Adem ile Havvanın öykülerin seviyorsundur.
  • eski Yunan, Roma, Çin öykülerini seviyorsundur. Milyonlarcası var hepsi de güzel. Bu dünyanın keyfini çıkarmak yanlış bir şey değil. Dünyada kal, ama yine de maddiyatçı olma işte iki zıt nokta arasında yaşamanın, kendini dengelemenin sırrı, işin püf noktası burada. Çok dar bir yol, tıpkı bıçak sırtı gibi ama tek yol da o. Bu dengeyi kaçırırsan gerçeği kaçırmış olursun. Şimdi bu dünyada kal ve yoluna devam et ve benliğinden kahkahayı eksik etme, Tanrı yolunda dans et! Tanrı yolunda hep gül! Tanrı yolunda şarkılar söyle!

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