O milionário mora ao lado: Os surpreendentes segredos dos ricaços americanos

O milionário mora ao lado: Os surpreendentes segredos dos ricaços americanos pdf


Thomas Stanley









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Thomas Stanley was America’s foremost authority on the affluent, a respected researcher, advisor, and author of several highly regarded, award winning books on America’s wealthy population. Dr. Stanley wrote The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind. These books spent more than 170 weeks combined on the New York Times’ Best Sellers list. His Millionaire Women Next Door was selected as a finalist for the business book of the year by the Independent Publishers Association and was on several business best sellers lists. Dr. Stanley’s first three books, Marketing to the Affluent, Selling to the Affluent, and Networking with the Affluent and Their Advisors, were all designated as outstanding business books. In total, more than three million copies of Dr. Stanley’s books have been sold worldwide. Dr. Stanley authored more than 40 published articles which deal with the affluent in America. Dr. Stanley appeared as a featured guest numerous times on The Today Show, 20/20, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. His work has been cited in the national media, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, Time, Money Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, and USA Today. Dr. Stanley served as chairman of the Affluent Market Institute through which he has developed research based marketing and selling strategies for identifying, attracting and retaining wealthy clients. He served as the chief advisor for DataPoints, a technology and research company based on his research and work, from 2013 to 2015. Dr. Stanley received his doctorate in business administration from The University of Georgia. He was a university professor for 20 years, leaving to pursue a career in research and writing about America’s millionaires. At Georgia State University he was named Omicron Delta Kappa’s Outstanding Professor. Dr. Stanley’s final book, The Next Millionaire Next Door, was published posthumously in October 2018.

Book Description

O milionário mora ao lado: Os surpreendentes segredos dos ricaços americanos pdf by Thomas Stanley

Você sabe reconhecer um milionário ? E sabia que ele pode morar ao seu lado ? -Quem são os ricos de verdade ? - Quais as suas profissões e ocupações ? -Onde fazem suas compras ? -Como fazem seus investimentos ? -De onde vieram seus antepassados ? -Como ficaram ricos ? -Será que algum dia eu também poderei ser milionário ? Saiba as respostas em O milionário Mora ao Lado, que a partir de extensas pesquisas revela como vivem os que têm mais de um milhão de dólares Você terá uma grande surpresa com os segredos que irá descobrir...

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