Die drei Musketiere

Die drei Musketiere pdf


Alexander Dumas









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Alexandre Dumas: a famous French novelist, who became famous in the nineteenth century AD through his immortal plays and adventure novels, translated into about a hundred languages, and in which the world cinema found a rich material for hundreds of centuries of time. Duma Divi de la Pelletierra, better known as Alexandre Dumas – also pronounced “Duma” or “Domas” – was born in a French village north-east of Paris, to a mixed-race father; Of a noble French father, and a slave mother of Caribbean descent. While Dumas was four years old, his father died of cancer, leaving the family hostage to poverty. He did not have an adequate education, but he was eager to read and his mother's stories, which were told by his campaigns and his illusions and illusions about him. Dimas moved to Paris in 1822 AD, and his aristocratic origins helped him to occupy a position in the royal palace, and in the meantime he began writing his articles and plays. His first play "Henry III and his court" was shown in 1829 and was a resounding success, and in the following year his play "Christine" achieved similar success that helped him to devote himself to writing. In 1840, he wrote his famous novel "The Man in the Iron Mask", which angered the Russian tsar at the time, because it dealt with sensitive situations in Russia. In the period from 1839 to 1841, he rewrote one of his plays in a series of short stories under the title "Captain Paul" that was published in a newspaper. Dumas greatly enriched himself as his books achieved great fame, but his extravagance brought him to the brink of bankruptcy several times, so much so that he fled from his creditors in 1851 AD to Belgium, and from there to Russia, where he resided for two years there, and the people enjoyed great success in his second language. Then he moved to Italy in 1861 AD, where he stayed for three years, and published books on that trip after his return to Paris. Alexandre Dumas died in France in 1870, leaving behind a precious legacy of epic stories of a historical nature full of excitement and adventure, the most famous of which are: “The Three Musketeers”, “Twenty Years Later”, “The Queen of the Four Wars”, “Margot and the Five Wars” The misery of love” … and others.

Book Description

Die drei Musketiere pdf by Alexander Dumas

Einer für alle und alle für einen! Der junge D’Artagnan wird unerwartet Zeuge einer gescheiterten Hinrichtung. Jahre später reist D’Artagnan nach Paris, um königlicher Musketier zu werden und trifft so auf Kardinal Richelieu und die mysteriöse Milady de Winter - die Frau, die einst dem Tod entkam. Der listige Richelieu will mit Miladys magischen Kräften die Königin ausschalten und schmiedet einen teuflischen Plan. In treuer Freundschaft mit den Musketieren Athos, Porthos und Aramis verbunden, nimmt D’Artagnan den Kampf gegen die dunklen Mächte auf. Doch auch dieser Pakt scheint nicht stark genug zu sein... Sie bewähren sich in Degenduellen, bei wilden Verfolgungsjagden und in Feuersbrünsten. Immer setzen sie ihr Leben aufs Spiel für das Recht, für die Liebe und die Ehre der Königin.

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