Philip Kotler: Born May 27, 1931 in Chicago. Professor of International Marketing from E&J Johansson and Dettingchweed at the Kellogg's School of Management at Northwestern University in Illinois. He completed his master's degree from the University of Chicago and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both of which were in economics. After his doctorate he studied mathematics at Harvard University and behavioral sciences at the University of Chicago. He was chosen by the Financial Times in 2001 as the fourth most important thinker in the field of management, ranked after Peter Drucker, Bill Gates, Jack Welch. In 2008, Wall Street Journal named him the sixth most influential business thinker. Kotler works as a consultant for several major American companies such as IBM, Michelin, American Bank, General Electric, Motorola. His consultancy in the field of marketing strategies, planning and organization in marketing management, international marketing. Kotler conducts panel discussions and lectures in various countries of the world. His book (Marketing Management), in its twelve editions, is considered the basic book for teaching marketing in many universities around the world, and it has also been translated into many languages. On his definition of marketing, Kotler adopts Peter Drucker's description of marketing, which is that marketing cannot be considered an independent function in the organization (the company), but is part of all its functions... It is the view of the organization's products from the customer's point of view. Kotler is considered a pioneer of