Il diritto umano di dominare

Il diritto umano di dominare pdf


Neve Gordon








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Neve Gordon (Hebrew: ניב גורדון; born 1965) is an Israeli professor and academic.He is a professor of international law and human rights at Queen Mary University of London and writes on issues relating to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and human rights. He used to teach at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Neve Gordon’s research focuses on international humanitarian law, human rights, new warfare technologies, the ethics of violence, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His first book, Israel’s Occupation (University of California Press 2008), provided a structural history of Israel’s mechanisms of control in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (translated to Italian and Spanish). His second book, The Human Right to Dominate (Oxford University Press, 2015) was written with Nicola Perugini and examines how human rights, which are generally conceived as tools for advancing emancipation, can also be used to enhance subjugation and dispossession (translated to Italian and Arabic). Most recently, he wrote with Perugini the first book on the legal and political history of human shielding. Human Shields: A History of People in the Line of Fire (University of California Press 2020) follows the marginal and controversial figure of the human shield over a period of 150 years in order to interrogate the laws of war and how the ethics of humane violence is produced. Gordon has also edited two volumes, one on torture (with Ruchama Marton) and the other on marginalized perspectives on human rights. Over the years he has published more than 50 academic articles and book chapters and is currently working on a project that examines how new warfare technologies challenge the underlying framework of the laws of war. Gordon has been a member at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Brown University, the University of Michigan, and SOAS, and is currently a board member of the International State Crime Initiative. He writes regularly for the popular press and his articles have appeared in The Guardian, The Los Angles Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Al Jazeera, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and The London Review of Books.

Book Description

Il diritto umano di dominare pdf by Neve Gordon

Che cosa sono, oggi, i diritti umani? Uno strumento di giustizia, garanzia del diritto e moderazione della violenza elaborato dalle democrazie liberali per tutelare i soggetti piú vulnerabili? In realtà, se guardiamo alla fisionomia di chi se ne occupa, accanto a istituzioni internazionali, corti di giustizia e ONG, troviamo anche agenzie di sicurezza nazionale, organismi militari e organizzazioni portatrici di interessi specifici e omogenei alle strutture di potere. Attraverso l’analisi di casi concreti che vanno dalla tutela dei diritti dei coloni israeliani alla guerra legalizzata con i droni, dagli omicidi mirati agli scudi umani, gli autori mostrano come le categorie di abuso, colpevole e vittima si scambino continuamente di posto, a seconda degli obiettivi di chi si appropria del discorso dei diritti umani: che possono essere anche una preziosa risorsa di legittimazione per rafforzare la dominazione, sancire gli squilibri consolidati e giustificare guerre e occupazioni – non uno strumento universale e neutrale di emancipazione. In questo saggio, emergono senza appello tutte le contraddizioni dell’ordine “morale” globale, insieme all’invito a ripensare l’odierno impoverimento dei diritti umani, rivitalizzandone la funzione antiegemonica, la reale rappresentatività e la forza di resistenza.

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