Jerusalém - Uma Cidade, Três Religiões

Jerusalém - Uma Cidade, Três Religiões pdf


Karen Armstrong









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Dr. Karen Armstrong is a British author, interested in comparing religions and Islam. She has written many books on religious issues, including: The History of God, The Battle of God, Holy War, Islam: A Brief History, The Great Transformation, and others. She will soon publish another book in English under the title: Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence. I also wrote two stories: Through the Narrow Gate, and the Spiral Staircase. Her works have been translated into more than fifty languages. Dr. Karen addressed members of the US Congress on three occasions, lectured policy makers in the US State Department and the Ministry of Defense, participated in the World Economic Forum, is the ambassador of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, and gives many lectures in Muslim countries, especially in Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey and Indonesia. In 2007, the Egyptian government awarded her a medal in appreciation of her efforts in serving Islam, under the auspices of Al-Azhar, and she is the first foreigner to receive this medal. She won the Four Freedoms Medal for Freedom of Worship from the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, and the Dr. Leopold Lukas Award at the University of Tübingen in 2009. In 2013, she was the first to receive the Nayef Al-Roudhan Award from the British Academy in recognition of her efforts in developing relations between cultures of the world. The Gandhi/King/Ikeda Award for Community Builders in Atlanta Commemoration in 2014. She is Curator of the British Museum and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Letters. In February 2008, she received a TED Prize for her vision of the Charter for Compassion ( prepared by a group of distinguished thinkers from across the six world faiths as a collaborative effort to restore compassionate thinking and compassion to the moral and political life. The Charter of Compassion is being implemented creatively and realistically in a number of countries, cities, schools and religious communities around the world.

Book Description

Jerusalém - Uma Cidade, Três Religiões pdf by Karen Armstrong

Como que saída da pena de Borges ou de Calvino, Jerusalém guarda muito de fantástico e imaginário em seus muros milenares. Mas a cidade toma contornos e significados próprios aos olhos de cada uma das três principais religiões do Ocidente: o islamismo, o judaísmo e o cristianismo. E é sob o prisma dessa “geografia sagrada” refletida de volta no mundo secular que os estudiosos tentam compreender seu sentido mais profundo. Num livro que abarca desde os primeiros vestígios de povoamento na região até os nossos dias, Karen Armstrong narra toda a história de ocupações e intolerância — mas muitas vezes também de convivência pacífica — que forjou o destino da Cidade Santa, e mostra como a aura mítica que Jerusalém adquire para judeus, cristãos e muçulmanos desafia a busca de uma solução meramente racional para os conflitos que até hoje marcam a região.

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