Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs pdf


David Parmenter








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DAVID PARMENTER is a writer, facilitator and an international presenter who is known for his thought provoking and lively sessions that have led to substantial change in many organizations. He is a leading expert in the development of winning KPIs, replacing the annual planning process with quarterly rolling planning, and management and leadership practices that will get you to the top. David has delivered workshops to thousands of attendees in many cities around the world including Sydney, Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Tehran, Riyadh, Muscat, Johannesburg, Rome, Dublin, London, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Prague through professional bodies, event management companies and to organisations who want to implement his work. His stated vision is to "change how leading organisations, around the world, measure and manage performance - by 2030″. John Wiley &sons Inc. have published his four books, "Key Performance Indicators - developing, implementing and using winning KPIs" in January 2007, and the 2nd Edition in March 2010; "Pareto's 80/20 Rule for Corporate Accountants" in April 2007; "Winning CFOs: Implementing and Applying Better Practices", in April 2011; and "The Leading-edge Manager's guide to success - Strategies and Better Practices", in April 2011. David has published a series of whitepapers that contain his latest thinking and these along with electronic templates are available from his website His work on KPIs has received international recognition in both private and public sectors. Agencies within the Australian, Singapore and Malaysian Governments have commenced implementations. His in-house workshops have covered a wide variety of entities including the European Space Agency, Insurance, Banking, Manufacturing, Property development, Agriculture, Construction and Professional bodies. David has worked for waymark solutions (his benchmark and better Practice Company) Ernst & Young, BP Oil, Arthur Andersen, and Price Waterhouse Coopers. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He is a regular writer for professional and business journals and his articles have received international awards.

Book Description

Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs pdf by David Parmenter

Today I learned something. And that is worth the price of this book!David Parmenter opens the book showing how we often confuse results, with actions that we need to take to get those results. He shows an onion and Key Result Indicators (KRIs) being the outer most layer of that onion. This is what we see as the end result in a company - Customer Satisfaction, Financial Results in terms of Profits, etc. The next layers inside are the Result Indicators (RIs) and Performance Indicators (PIs). Performance Indicators are like % Increase in Sales with say top 10 Customers. Result Indicators are like Sales done Yesterday. David then makes the key distinction that only some are Key Performance Indicators that drive the whole company outwards from the core of the onion! These are the ones you need to monitor closely on a daily, weekly, monthly basis as appropriate but they cause the other indicators to have positive or negative values.The example he uses is that of a British Airways CEO who always called the relevant British Airways people at the airport EVERYTIME a flight left late. That kept the BA personnel on their toes making sure the planes left on time all the time! Now every Performance Indicator, Result Indicator and Key Results Indicator downstream like On Time Record, Sales Per Flight and Customer Satisfaction Index were all exemplary!David also talks about a very useful 10/80/10 rule that says KPIs should only be 10% of all the metrics. Result Indicators and Performance Indicators make up 80% and Key Result Indicators 10%. This enables management at different levels pay attention to those that are relevant and urgent on a daily basis (KPIs) so that all downstream results and indicators are on track.There is also an elaborate 12 step implementation process on how to plan for, implement and fine tune a KPI measurement regimen. The best illustration I liked was that of a Dial Chart on page 171 that provided at a glance a lot of information - Performance Indicator on a Speedometer where you can see current performance value, Best Performance so far as a dot on the meter, worst performance as a dot, acceptable, middle and unacceptable ranges of performance all in the same speedometer! In one glance you know where your current performance stands. That should be the goal of visualizations - all information in one place at the same time!I will never think about KPIs the same way again! Very useful, illuminating book!

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