l'art de gagner des batailles

l'art de gagner des batailles pdf


Sun Tzu









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Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general, strategist, philosopher, and writer who lived during the Eastern Zhou period. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited with being the author of The Art of War, an influential work on military strategy that influenced West and East Asian philosophy and military thinking. It focuses more on the alternatives of battle and even war than on war itself, such as subterfuge, delay, the use of spies, the making and maintenance of alliances, the uses of deception, and the willingness to submit, at least temporarily, to more powerful enemies. Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and East Asian culture as a legendary historical and military figure. His birth name was Sun Wu (traditional Chinese: 孫武; simplified Chinese: 孙武) and he was known outside his family by his courtesy name Changqing (Chinese: 長卿). The name Sun Tzu by which he is most popularly known is Honor, which means "Master Sun".
Sun Tzu's date is uncertain. Historian Sima Qian, a historian of the Han dynasty and other traditional Chinese historians, appointed him minister to King Helu of Wu, dating his life to 544-496 BC. Contemporary scholars, accepting its history, have placed the existing text of the art of war in the later Warring States period based on the style of its composition and description of war. Traditional accounts indicate that a descendant of General Sun Bin wrote a treatise on military tactics, also titled The Art of War. Since Sun Wu and Sun Bin were referred to as Sun Tzu in classical Chinese texts, some historians believed they were identical, prior to the rediscovery of the Sun Bin thesis in 1972.
Sun Tzu's work and use in the East Asian War has been praised since its formation. During the 20th century, the art of war grew in popularity and saw practical use in the Western world as well. His influence remains indelible in many contemporary competitive endeavors throughout the modern world beyond military strategy and war, including culture, politics, business and sports.

Book Description

l'art de gagner des batailles pdf by Sun Tzu

Rédigé il y a 2400 ans par un sage chinois nommé Sun Tzu, L’Art de la guerre figure aujourd’hui parmi les grands classiques de l’histoire militaire. Dans un style concis et imagé, ce petit livre rassemble un certain nombre de recommandations sur la manière de conduire une guerre. S’il a profondément influencé l’art militaire oriental, s’il a notamment aidé Mao à forger son concept de guérilla, il est resté longtemps méconnu des Occidentaux auxquels il aurait pourtant évité bien des déboires.
Spécialiste mondialement reconnu, Bevin Alexander se propose ici de montrer, exemples à l’appui, comment les chefs qui ont appliqué – sans le savoir – les principes, maximes et conseils de Sun Tzu ont presque toujours remporté la victoire, et comment ceux qui y ont contrevenu ont, sans la moindre exception, connu l’échec.
Sagesse ancienne et batailles modernes : de la guerre d’Indépendance américaine à Gettysburg, du débarquement de Normandie à la guerre de Corée, en passant par Waterloo, la Marne et les Ardennes, la démonstration, solidement documentée et argumentée, est implacable.
De ces pages pleines de bruit et de fureur, mais non dépourvues d’humour, où s’accumulent des erreurs qui furent si coûteuses en vies humaines, n’en émergent pas moins, Sun Tzu aidant, quelques figures (Jackson, Manstein, Patton, sans oublier Napoléon… jusqu’à Waterloo), qui viennent opportunément démentir l’affirmation de Valéry selon laquelle la guerre est une chose trop sérieuse pour la confier à des militaires

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