La azucarera

La azucarera pdf


Naguib Mahfouz









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Naguib Mahfouz: The pioneer of the Arabic novel, and the winner of the highest literary prize in the world.
He was born on December 11, 1911 in Al-Gamaliya neighborhood in Cairo, to a middle-class family. His father was a government employee. He chose the name of the doctor who supervised his birth, Dr. Naguib Mahfouz Pasha, so that his name would be compounded by Naguib Mahfouz.
He was sent to writers at a young age, and then enrolled in primary school, during which he learned about the adventures of "Ben Johnson", which he borrowed from a colleague to read, to be Mahfouz's first experience in the world of reading. He also experienced the 1919 revolution at the age of eight, and it left a profound impact on him that later appeared in his novels.
After high school, Mahfouz decided to study philosophy and joined the Egyptian University, and there he met the Dean of Arabic Literature, Taha Hussein, to tell him of his desire to study the origin of existence. At this stage, his passion for reading increased, and he was preoccupied with the ideas of philosophers, which had the greatest impact on his way of thinking.
After graduating from the university, he worked as an administrative employee there for a year, then held several government jobs such as his work as a secretary in the Ministry of Awqaf. He also held several other positions, including: Head of the Oversight Authority at the Ministry of Guidance, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cinema Support Foundation, and Adviser to the Ministry of Culture.
Mahfouz had intended to complete academic studies and prepare for a master’s degree in philosophy on the subject of “Beauty in Islamic Philosophy,” but he fought a struggle with himself between his love for philosophy on the one hand, and his love for tales and literature, which began from his childhood on the other, and ended this internal conflict in favor of literature; He saw that philosophy could be presented through literature.
Mahfouz began to feel his first steps in the world of literature by writing stories, so he published eighty stories without payment. In 1939, his first creative experiments came to light. The novel "The Abatement of Destinies", after which he continued writing the novel and the short story in addition to the play, as well as press articles and scenarios for some Egyptian films.
Mahfouz’s novelist experience went through several stages, starting with the historical stage in which he returned to ancient Egyptian history, and issued his three historical trilogy: “The Absurdity of Predestination,” “Radopis,” and “The Good Struggle.” Then the realistic stage that began in 1945 AD, coinciding with the Second World War; At this stage, he approached reality and society, and published his realistic novels such as “New Cairo” and “Khan Al-Khalili”, reaching the peak of novelistic creativity with the famous trilogy: “Bain Al Qasrain”, “Qasr Al-Shouq” and “Al-Sukaria”. Then the symbolic or intellectual stage, whose most prominent works were: "The Road", "The Beggar", "Gossip over the Nile", and "The Children of Our Neighborhood" (which caused widespread controversy in religious circles, and its publication was banned for a while).
In 1994, Mahfouz was subjected to an assassination attempt, from which he survived, but it affected the nerves of the upper right side of the neck, negatively affecting his ability to write.
He received many international and local awards, most notably: the “Nobel Prize in Literature” in 1988, and the “Nile Necklace” in the same year.
The icon of Egyptian and Arabic literature “Naguib Mahfouz” passed away on August 30, 2006 AD, after a life full of creativity and giving, during which he presented many literary works close to humans and loaded with the philosophy of life, which is a great legacy that every Egyptian, every Arab, and every human celebrates.

Book Description

La azucarera pdf by Naguib Mahfouz

"La azucarera" es una novela del autor egipcio Naguib Mahfouz que cuenta la historia de un grupo de empleados de una fábrica de azúcar en Egipto durante los años 50. La novela sigue la vida de varios personajes, cada uno con sus propias luchas y aspiraciones, mientras trabajan en la fábrica y tratan de hacer frente a los desafíos de la vida cotidiana.

El protagonista de la novela es Muhsin, un joven y ambicioso ingeniero que ha sido contratado recientemente por la fábrica para mejorar su eficiencia y productividad. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que la fábrica está plagada de corrupción y nepotismo, y que su trabajo está siendo saboteado por sus propios colegas.

A medida que la trama se desarrolla, el lector se adentra en la vida de los demás personajes de la novela, incluyendo a uno de los trabajadores de la fábrica que sueña con emigrar a América, a la hija del dueño de la fábrica que busca desesperadamente escapar de su vida solitaria y aislada, y a la esposa de Muhsin, quien se siente atrapada en un matrimonio infeliz y anhela una vida mejor.

"La azucarera" es una novela que destaca por su habilidad para capturar la complejidad de la vida en la sociedad egipcia de la época. Mahfouz escribe con una prosa clara y concisa, pero al mismo tiempo rica en detalles y profundidad emocional. A través de sus personajes, la novela explora temas como la corrupción, la desigualdad social, la religión y la identidad nacional, todos ellos temas centrales en la vida de la sociedad egipcia.

Además, Mahfouz utiliza la fábrica de azúcar como un símbolo de la vida en Egipto, donde el trabajo es duro y los obstáculos son constantes, pero donde la esperanza y la perseverancia siguen siendo posibles. La novela también refleja la lucha constante entre la tradición y la modernidad en la sociedad egipcia de la época, así como la tensión entre la cultura árabe y la influencia occidental.

En conclusión, "La azucarera" es una obra maestra de la literatura egipcia y una de las obras más destacadas de Naguib Mahfouz. A través de su prosa hermosa y emotiva, la novela captura la complejidad de la vida en Egipto en la década de 1950, mientras que sus personajes, con sus luchas y sueños, son retratos conmovedores y realistas de la vida en una sociedad en constante cambio.

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