La falsa ilusión del éxito

La falsa ilusión del éxito pdf


Daniel Kahneman








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Daniel Kahneman is an Israeli-American psychologist and behavioral economist, born in 1934 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is considered one of the founders of behavioral economics, an interdisciplinary field that combines psychology, economics and other areas to understand how people make decisions in complex situations.

Kahneman studied psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he earned his doctorate in 1961. He later moved to the United States to continue his academic career at the University of California, Berkeley, and Princeton University, where he remained until his retirement. in 2007.

Throughout his career, Kahneman has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to behavioral economics and cognitive psychology. In 2002, he received the Nobel Prize in Economics, along with economist Vernon Smith, for their research on decision-making under uncertainty.

In addition to the Nobel Prize, Kahneman was also awarded the United States National Medal of Science in 2013 and the Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Arts in 2015.

Kahneman's work focuses primarily on investigating the mental processes that affect decision-making, especially in situations of uncertainty or risk. He argues that people often make irrational or biased decisions due to a variety of factors, such as emotions, cognitive biases, and mental heuristics.

One of his best-known studies is the "anchoring effect", which shows how prior information can influence decision-making, even if it is irrational or irrelevant to the decision in question.

Additionally, Kahneman is the author of several critically acclaimed books, including "Fast and Slow: Two Ways of Thinking" and "Judging Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases." These books provide insights into how people think and make decisions and are recommended reading for students, professionals, and anyone interested in psychology and behavioral economics.

In summary, Daniel Kahneman is a leading researcher in the field of behavioral economics and cognitive psychology. His work has influenced the way people think about decision-making and is widely recognized as one of the greatest contributions to these fields.

Book Description

La falsa ilusión del éxito pdf by Daniel Kahneman

Las evidencias son inquietantes: la mayoría de las grandes iniciativas de negocios no rinden fruto. Según los economistas, los malos resultados son una consecuencia inevitable del hecho de que las empresas corran riesgos racionales en situaciones inciertas. Sin embargo, tras analizarlo desde la psicología, los autores consideran que ese fracaso es consecuencia de una toma de decisiones basada en un optimismo ilusorio en lugar de en una valoración racional de ganancias, pérdidas y probabilidades. Los sesgos cognitivos y las presiones organizativas que se hallan en el origen de ese exceso de optimismo son omnipresentes, pero sus efectos pueden atenuarse. Complementando los procesos tradicionales de previsión con el análisis de iniciativas análogas finalizadas con anterioridad, los directivos pueden discernir de manera mucho más precisa el desenlace probable de un proyecto. Esa «visión externa» es un baño de realidad que reduce las probabilidades de que una empresa se embarque en una inversión de tiempo y dinero desastrosa. Los IMPRESCINDIBLES de Conecta, en colaboración con Harvard Business Review, permiten acceder a las grandes ideas de los autores de referencia que inspiran a directivos y profesionales. Este volumen reúne los textos «La falsa ilusión del éxito», de Daniel Kahneman y Dan Lovallo, y «Antes de tomar una gran decisión», de Kahneman, Lovallo y Olivier Sibony.

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