Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Therapist Guide

Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Therapist Guide pdf


David H. Barlow








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David H. Barlow received his Ph.D. from the University of Vermont in 1969 and has published over 400 articles and chapters and over 20 books. His major interests over the past 30 years has been the study of anxiety and its disorders, and developing new psychological procedures for practice settings. Prior to his current position as Professor and Director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders and Director of Clinical Psychology Programs at Boston University, he founded clinical psychology internships at Brown University and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. He is the recipient of the 2000 American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology. Other awards include the Career Contribution Awards from the Massachusetts and California Psychological Associations, and a MERIT award from the National Institute of Mental Health for long-term contributions to the clinical research effort. During the 1997/1998 academic year, he was Fritz Redlich Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto, California. He is Past-President of the Society of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association, and the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. He was also Chair of the American Psychological Association Task Force of Psychological Intervention Guidelines, a member of the DSM-IV Task Force of the American Psychiatric Association, and was Co-Chair of the Work Group for revising the anxiety disorders categories.

Book Description

Mastering Your Fears and Phobias: Therapist Guide pdf by David H. Barlow

Specific Phobia is the most commonly occurring anxiety disorder with approximately 12.5% of the general population reporting at least one specific phobia during their lives. People may fear heights, flying, spiders, blood, water, and any other number of circumscribed objects or situations. Research has shown the most effective treatment for these fears and phobias is an exposure-based, cognitive-behavioral program. Written by renowned researchers, this Therapist Guide provides you with all the information you need to help your clients ease their anxiety and conquer their fears. Whether they are afraid of dentists, dogs, or driving, you can teach your clients the necessary skills to overcome their phobia in as little as a few weeks. The strategies outlined in this book include exposure exercises and cognitive restructuring techniques. The corresponding Workbook includes blank forms and records for tracking progress and allows the client to extend the therapeutic experience outside of the office. Together, both books form a comprehensive package that has proven to be the most effective and successful treatment available for specific phobia.TreatmentsThatWorkTM represents the gold standard of behavioral healthcare interventions!· All programs have been rigorously tested in clinical trials and are backed by years of research· A prestigious scientific advisory board, led by series Editor-In-Chief David H. Barlow, reviews and evaluates each intervention to ensure that it meets the highest standard of evidence so you can be confident that you are using the most effective treatment available to date· Our books are reliable and effective and make it easy for you to provide your clients with the best care available· Our corresponding workbooks contain psychoeducational information, forms and worksheets, and homework assignments to keep clients engaged and motivated· A companion website ( offers downloadable clinical tools and helpful resources· Continuing Education (CE) Credits are now available on select titles in collaboration with PsychoEducational Resources, Inc. (PER)

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