Arthur Schopenhauer is a German philosopher, usually famous for his pessimism about life as “a pendulum that swings between pain and boredom.” Schopenhauer actually lived alone and immersed for the greater part of his life, but his loneliness or personal suffering was not, as some think, a primary reason for formulating his pessimistic views of life. On the contrary, Schopenhauer's life - at least in its beginning - was not as bad as we might imagine, and it can be said that many opportunities were available to him to live a quiet academic and bourgeois life that satisfies the masses of people. of modern and ancient languages, as he went to dance and theater parties in his youth,
His mother Joanna also set up a salon attended by many intellectuals, including the great German poet Goethe, but Arthur was constantly at odds with his mother, especially after his father's death.
Schopenhauer later obtained his doctorate from the University of Berlin, and he was destined to have a quiet teaching career had he not chosen - stubbornly, courageous and perhaps naive - to give his lectures at the same time during which the most prominent German philosopher at the time, Georg Hegel, was giving his lectures, no one listened to Schopenhauer Who decided to retire from teaching and devote himself to writing.
Schopenhauer offered his extremely insightful views on many issues, from epistemology and philosophy of science to philosophy of ethics and art, and he was careful in his thinking, following the example of the German philosopher Kant the “Great” as he liked to describe him, particularly in his strict self-criticism of his ideas.
He also remained loyal to philosophy, resenting those who make it an "instrument of state purposes from above, and personal purposes from below". And he was firm in his conviction that he had accomplished his philosophical work not for his contemporaries or for the people of his country, but for humanity, because of his belief that everything of value needed a long time to gain its legitimacy. of moral authority) even daring to describe the latter as a “charlatan” and “mentally degenerate.”
Okumak yazmak ve yaşamak üzerine pdf by Arthur Schopenhauer
Akıllı insan her şeyden evvel ıstıraptan ve tacizden azâde olmak için çabalayacak, sessizliği ve boş vakti, dolayısıyla mümkün olan en az sayıda beklenmedik ve tehlikeli karşılaşma ile birlikte sakin, mütevazı bir hayatı arayacaktır; ve böylelikle sözüm ona hemcinsleriyle çok az bir ortak tecrübeyi paylaştıktan sonra, münzeviyane bir hayatı tercih edecektir, hatta eğer büyük bir ruha sahipse büsbütün yalnızlığı seçecektir.
Hayatta nasılsa edebiyatta da öyle: Her nereye dönseniz derhal kendinizi düzelmez, yola gelmez bir insan güruhuyla karşı karşıya buluyorsunuz, her tarafı her bir köşeyi doldurmuşlar, tıpkı yaz sinekleri gibi sürü halinde her yere doluşup her şeyi kirletiyorlar. Bir yığın berbat kitap, gıdasını buğday başaklarından alan ve sonunda onu boğup kurutan edebiyatın istilacı yabani otları da öyle. İnsanların zamanını, parasını, dikkatini -ki bunların meşru hak sahibi iyi kitaplar ve onların soylu hedefleridir- gasp etmektedirler.
Dolayısıyla okumak söz konusu olduğunda nerede duracağını bilmek çok önemli bir şeydir. Geri durulacak yeri kestirmedeki maharetin esası, zaman zaman neredeyse salgın halinde yaygın olarak okunan herhangi bir kitabı, sırf bu yüzden okumaktan ısrarla uzak durmaktır denebilir, sözgelimi sebepsiz gürültü şamata koparan, hatta yayın hayatına çıktıklarının ilk ve son yılında birkaç baskıya ulaşabilen, sonra da unutulup giden siyasi veya dini risaleler, romanlar, şiirler ve benzeri böyledir.