Psicologia delle folle

Psicologia delle folle review


Gustave Le Bon








Social sciences

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Gustave Le Bon: The French physician and historian Gustave Le Bon is one of the most famous foreign historians who were interested in studying Eastern, Arab and Islamic civilizations. He was born in Nouges-Loretro, France in 1841. He studied medicine and toured Europe, Asia and North Africa. He was interested in psychiatry and produced a group of influential researches on group behavior, popular culture, and the means of influencing the masses, which made his research an essential reference in psychology, and among researchers in the media in the first half of the twentieth century. He contributed to the debate about matter and energy, and authored his book The Evolution of Materials, which was very popular in France. He achieved great success with his book "The Psychology of the Crowds", which gave him a good reputation in the scientific community, which was completed with his best-selling book "The Masses: A Study in the Collective Mind". Valery, Henri Bergson, and Henri Poincaré. He was known as one of the most famous philosophers of the West who did justice to the Arab nation and Islamic civilization. He did not follow the path of European historians, whose traditions have become to deny the virtue of Islam over the Western world. But Le Bon, who traveled in the Islamic world and has social investigations in it, acknowledged that Muslims were the ones who civilized Europe, so he thought that the golden age of the Arabs would be resurrected from his shrine, and that he would show it to the world in its true form; In 1884 AD, he authored the book “The Civilization of the Arabs” integrating the elements of Arab civilization and its impact on the world, and examined the causes of its greatness and decline, and presented it to the world as a debtor who owes credit to the creditor. He died in Marne-La-Coquet, France, in 1931.

Book Description

Psicologia delle folle review by Gustave Le Bon

A brilliantly instructive treatise on the general characteristics and mental unity of a crowd, its sentiments and morality, ideas, reasoning power, imagination, opinions, and much more. A must-read volume not only for students of history, sociology, law and psychology, but for every politician, statesman, investor, and marketing manager. Newly designed and typeset for easy reading by Boomer Books.

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