Developing Talents

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Mary Temple Grandin, también conocida como Temple Grandin, es una reconocida profesora estadounidense de ciencia animal y defensora de las personas con autismo. Nació en Boston, Massachusetts en 1947 y le diagnosticaron autismo a la edad de dos años.

A pesar de los desafíos que enfrentó debido a su autismo, Grandin obtuvo una licenciatura en psicología de Franklin Pierce College, una maestría en ciencia animal de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona y un doctorado. en ciencia animal de la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign.

Grandin es mejor conocida por su trabajo en bienestar animal y sus contribuciones al diseño de instalaciones de manejo de ganado. Ha escrito varios libros sobre el tema, incluidos "Animals in Translation" y "Thinking in Pictures", que se han convertido en obras influyentes en el campo de la ciencia animal.

Grandin también ha sido una voz líder en la creación de conciencia sobre el autismo y la defensa de los derechos de las personas con autismo. Ha hablado abiertamente sobre sus propias experiencias con el autismo y cómo ha moldeado su vida y su carrera. En reconocimiento a su trabajo de defensa, Grandin fue incluida en el Salón Nacional de la Fama de la Mujer en 2017.

Hoy en día, Grandin continúa siendo una oradora y educadora activa sobre el bienestar animal y el autismo, y se desempeña como profesora de ciencia animal en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado. Su trabajo ha tenido un impacto significativo tanto en la ciencia animal como en la comunidad del autismo, y es muy respetada por sus contribuciones en ambos campos.

Descripción del libro

Developing Talents pdf por Temple Grandin

"Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism" by Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy provides practical advice and guidance for individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) looking to build a successful career. The book is based on Grandin's personal experience and her work as an animal scientist and autism advocate.

The book begins by explaining the strengths and challenges of individuals with AS and HFA in the workplace. Grandin argues that individuals with AS and HFA have unique skills that can be valuable in many industries, such as attention to detail, logical thinking, and the ability to think outside the box. However, they may struggle with social communication, sensory issues, and executive functioning.

The authors then provide detailed information on various career paths and industries that may be a good fit for individuals with AS and HFA. These include computer programming, engineering, accounting, and scientific research, among others. The book offers practical tips for job searching, writing resumes, and preparing for job interviews.

One of the strengths of this book is the personal stories and advice from individuals with AS and HFA who have found success in their careers. Grandin and Duffy also provide guidance for employers on how to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for individuals with AS and HFA, including accommodations such as flexible work schedules and sensory-friendly workspaces.

The book also addresses the importance of self-care and stress management for individuals with AS and HFA in the workplace. Grandin and Duffy encourage individuals to develop coping strategies, such as taking breaks and engaging in sensory activities, to manage stress and avoid burnout.

Overall, "Developing Talents" is a valuable resource for individuals with AS and HFA, their families, and employers looking to create a more inclusive workplace. It provides practical advice and guidance for individuals looking to build a successful career, and emphasizes the unique strengths and skills that individuals with AS and HFA can bring to the workforce.

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