Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention

Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention pdf

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Debasis Bagchi recibió su Ph.D. en Química Médica en 1982. Es profesor en el Departamento de Ciencias Farmacológicas y Farmacológicas de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Houston, Houston, TX. El Dr. Bagchi también es director científico de Cepham Inc., Piscataway, NJ. El Dr. Bagchi recibió el premio Master of American College of Nutrition a principios de octubre de 2010. Actualmente es presidente de la Sociedad Internacional de Nutracéuticos y Alimentos Funcionales (ISNFF), expresidente inmediato del American College of Nutrition, Clearwater, FL, y expresidente de la División de Nutracéuticos y Alimentos Funcionales del Instituto de Tecnólogos de Alimentos (IFT), Chicago, IL. Se desempeña como Asesor Distinguido en el Instituto Japonés de Estándares de Alimentos Saludables, Tokio, Japón. El Dr. Bagchi es miembro de la Sección de estudio y del Comité de revisión por pares de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH), Bethesda, MD. El Dr. Bagchi tiene 303 artículos en revistas revisadas por pares, 25 libros y numerosas patentes. El Dr. Bagchi es miembro de la Sociedad de Toxicología, miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de Nueva York, miembro de la Academia de Investigación de Nutrición y miembro del Comité de partes interesadas de TCE de la Base de la Fuerza Aérea Wright Patterson, OH. El Dr. Bagchi es editor asociado de Journal of Functional Foods y Journal of the American College of Nutrition, y también se desempeña como miembro del consejo editorial de numerosas revistas revisadas por pares, que incluyen Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Cancer Letters, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, El internista original y otros.

Descripción del libro

Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention pdf por Debasis Bagchi

Functional foods and nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, and natural antioxidants have established their potential roles in the protection of human health against disease. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention examines the benefits, efficacy, and success of properly designed nutraceuticals and functional foods in human health and their possible application in disease prevention. The book demonstrates diverse disease pathophysiology and how nutraceuticals and functional food can be used to combat and prevent disease.
The book discusses global food habits and trends, safety and toxicology, and how food addiction or overindulgence of food can lead to a variety of disease states. It then highlights how supplements help in disease prevention. Although a significant number of nutraceuticals and functional foods have demonstrated their efficacy, a large number of supplements are still surviving on false claims. Therefore, the editors underscore risks and benefits, and why government regulatory agencies are so critical of these nutraceutical supplements.
With the global nutraceuticals market expected to reach $204.8 billion by 2017, what once seemed a very niche sector has become big business. An overview of nutraceuticals and functional foods and their application in human health, this book exhaustively covers antioxidants, functional foods, and nutraceuticals in human health and disease prevention. With contributions from experts and pioneers, the book gives insight into the role of functional foods in optimal diet and exercise.

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