The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray pdf


Oscar Wilde

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Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) fue un dramaturgo, poeta y novelista irlandés considerado uno de los más grandes escritores de la era victoriana. Nació en Dublín, Irlanda, y se educó en Trinity College, Dublín y Magdalen College, Oxford. Wilde fue una figura extravagante en la sociedad victoriana, conocido por su ingenio, dandismo y homosexualidad, que entonces se consideraba un delito.

La carrera literaria de Wilde comenzó en la década de 1880, cuando ganó popularidad con sus comedias, entre ellas "El abanico de Lady Windermere", "Una mujer sin importancia" y "La importancia de llamarse Ernesto". Estas obras eran conocidas por sus ingeniosos juegos de palabras, comentarios sociales y representaciones satíricas de la sociedad victoriana.

Además de sus obras de teatro, Wilde también escribió novelas, incluida "El retrato de Dorian Gray", que cuenta la historia de un hermoso joven que hace un pacto fáustico para permanecer joven y hermoso mientras su retrato envejece y se vuelve feo. La novela causó controversia cuando se publicó por primera vez en 1890 debido a sus temas decadentes y trasfondos homoeróticos.

A pesar de su éxito literario, la vida personal de Wilde fue tumultuosa. En 1895, fue condenado por actos homosexuales y sentenciado a dos años de trabajos forzados. El juicio y el posterior encarcelamiento destruyeron su reputación y su salud, y murió en París en 1900, a la edad de 46 años.

El legado de Wilde sigue vivo a través de sus obras, que continúan siendo celebradas por su ingenio, humor y comentarios sociales. Su escritura ha influido en generaciones de escritores, y sus obras continúan representándose y adaptándose para cine y televisión. Hoy, Wilde es recordado no solo como un gran escritor, sino también como un símbolo de resistencia contra el moralismo y la hipocresía victorianos.

Descripción del libro

The Picture of Dorian Gray pdf por Oscar Wilde

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel written by Oscar Wilde and first published in 1890. It tells the story of Dorian Gray, a handsome and wealthy young man who becomes obsessed with his own beauty and youth. Dorian sits for a portrait painted by his friend Basil Hallward, and while admiring the finished work, he wishes that he could remain young and beautiful forever, while the portrait would age in his place.

Dorian's wish is granted, and he embarks on a life of hedonism and debauchery, while the portrait in his attic becomes a grotesque representation of his moral decay. Over time, Dorian becomes increasingly corrupted, committing increasingly heinous acts without any regard for the consequences. The novel ultimately explores the theme of the consequences of moral corruption and the danger of vanity and superficiality.

One of the most striking aspects of "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is Wilde's use of language. The novel is full of witty and memorable aphorisms that have become famous quotations in their own right. For example, "Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing," and "I can resist everything except temptation." These memorable quotes have contributed to the enduring popularity of the novel.

Another notable feature of the book is its exploration of the aesthetic movement, which Wilde was associated with during his lifetime. The novel reflects many of the key ideas of the movement, which emphasized the importance of beauty and art for their own sake, as opposed to being subordinated to moral or political aims. This theme is exemplified by Dorian's obsession with his own beauty and the portrait that represents it.

Despite its initial shock value, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" has become a classic of English literature and is widely regarded as one of Wilde's greatest works. It has been adapted into numerous films, plays, and television shows, and has influenced countless writers and artists. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the power of Wilde's writing and his ability to capture the dark side of human nature.

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