A Conspiracy Against Obamacare: The Volokh Conspiracy and the Health Care Case

A Conspiracy Against Obamacare: The Volokh Conspiracy and the Health Care Case pdf


Randy Barnett

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Randy E. Barnett es el Profesor Carmack Waterhouse de Teoría Jurídica en el Centro de Derecho de la Universidad de Georgetown, donde enseña derecho constitucional y contratos. Después de graduarse de la Universidad Northwestern y de la Facultad de Derecho de Harvard, procesó muchos casos de delitos graves como fiscal en la Oficina del Fiscal del Estado del Condado de Cook en Chicago. Ha sido profesor invitado en Northwestern y Harvard Law School. En 2008, recibió una beca Guggenheim en Estudios Constitucionales. En 2004, Barnett compareció ante la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos para argumentar el caso de cannabis medicinal de Gonzalez v. Raich. Da conferencias a nivel internacional y ha aparecido en programas de radio y televisión como CBS Evening News, PBS NewsHour, Talk of the Nation (NPR), Hannity & Colmes (FOX) y Ricki Lake Show. Pronunció las conferencias Kobe 2000 sobre jurisprudencia en la Universidad de Tokio y en la Universidad Doshisha de Kioto. La beca de Barnett incluye más de 80 artículos y reseñas, así como 8 libros, incluidos Restauración de la Constitución Perdida: La Presunción de Libertad (Princeton, 2004), Derecho Constitucional: Casos en Contexto (Aspen 2008), Casos de Contratos y Doctrina (Aspen, 4th ed. 2008), y Nuestra Constitución Republicana: Asegurando la Libertad y la Soberanía de Nosotros, el Pueblo (Broadside Books, 2016).

Descripción del libro

A Conspiracy Against Obamacare: The Volokh Conspiracy and the Health Care Case pdf por Randy Barnett

The debate over the Affordable Care Act was one of the most important and public examinations of the Constitution in our history. At the forefront of that debate were the legal scholars blogging at the Volokh Conspiracy, who engaged in a spirited, erudite, and accessible discussion of the legal issues involved in the cases - beginning before the law was even passed. Several of the Volokh bloggers played key roles in developing the constitutional arguments against the ACA. Their blog posts and articles about the Act had a significant impact on both the public debate and the legal arguments in the case. It was perhaps the first time that a blog affected arguments submitted to the United States Supreme Court on a major issue. In the process, the bloggers helped legitimize a new type of legal discourse. This book compiles the discussion that unfolded at the Volokh Conspiracy blog into a readable narrative, enhanced with new context and analysis, as the contributors reflect on the Obamacare litigation with the advantage of hindsight. The different bloggers certainly did not always agree with each other, but the back-and-forth debates provide momentum as the reader follows the development of the arguments over time. A Conspiracy Against Obamacare exemplifies an important new form of legal discourse and public intellectualism.

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