Cameron at 10: The Inside Story 2010–2015

Cameron at 10: The Inside Story 2010–2015 pdf


Peter Snowdon








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Peter Snowdon est un historien et journaliste contemporain. Formé au St. Dunstan's College, à l'Université de Durham et à la London School of Economics, il a collaboré avec Anthony Seldon sur un certain nombre de livres, dont la biographie autorisée de John Major, Major: A Political Life (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997), Blair (Simon & Schuster, 2004) et Blair Unbound (Simon & Schuster, 2007).[1] Il a écrit des articles sur le Parti conservateur dans plusieurs revues universitaires, dont The Political Quarterly et Parliamentary Affairs. Il a également contribué à Parliamentary Monitor, Parliamentary Brief et Newsweek. Il est chroniqueur occasionnel pour le Yorkshire Post et est apparu comme commentateur à la télévision et à la radio au Royaume-Uni et à l'étranger. Il travaille actuellement pour des programmes politiques de la BBC, après avoir travaillé à la London Weekend Television.

Description du livre

Cameron at 10: The Inside Story 2010–2015 pdf par Peter Snowdon

Five years in the making, ‘Cameron at 10’ is the gripping inside story of the Cameron premiership, based on over 300 in-depth interviews with senior figures in 10 Downing Street, including the Prime Minister himself.
As dusk descended on 11 May 2010, David Cameron entered 10 Downing Street as the youngest prime minister since Lord Liverpool in 1812. He stood at the head of the first Coalition government in 65 years, with the country in dire economic straits following a deep financial crisis.
From the early heady days of the Rose Garden partnership with the Liberal Democrats to the most bitterly contested general election in years, ‘Cameron at 10’ highlights forty dramatic moments in an exceptionally turbulent period in British politics. The book contains all the highs and lows on the domestic front as well as providing revealing insights into the Prime Minister’s relationships with foreign leaders, particularly the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama.
With unprecedented access to the ‘inner circle’ of politicians and civil servants that surround the Prime Minister, from Chancellor George Osborne and former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to all of Cameron’s personal team, this is the most intimate account of a serving prime minister that has ever been published.

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