Developing Talents

Developing Talents pdf


Temple Grandin








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Mary Temple Grandin, également connue sous le nom de Temple Grandin, est une professeure américaine bien connue de sciences animales et défenseure des personnes atteintes d'autisme. Elle est née à Boston, Massachusetts en 1947 et a été diagnostiquée autiste à l'âge de deux ans.

Malgré les défis auxquels elle a été confrontée en raison de son autisme, Grandin a obtenu un baccalauréat en psychologie du Franklin Pierce College, une maîtrise en sciences animales de l'Arizona State University et un doctorat. en sciences animales de l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign.

Grandin est surtout connue pour son travail dans le domaine du bien-être animal et sa contribution à la conception d'installations de manutention du bétail. Elle a écrit plusieurs livres sur le sujet, dont "Animals in Translation" et "Thinking in Pictures", qui sont devenus des ouvrages influents dans le domaine des sciences animales.

Grandin a également été une voix de premier plan dans la sensibilisation à l'autisme et la défense des droits des personnes autistes. Elle a parlé ouvertement de ses propres expériences avec l'autisme et comment cela a façonné sa vie et sa carrière. En reconnaissance de son travail de plaidoyer, Grandin a été intronisée au National Women's Hall of Fame en 2017.

Aujourd'hui, Grandin continue d'être une conférencière et une éducatrice active sur le bien-être des animaux et l'autisme, et elle est professeure de sciences animales à la Colorado State University. Son travail a eu un impact significatif sur les communautés des sciences animales et de l'autisme, et elle est largement respectée pour ses contributions dans les deux domaines.

Description du livre

Developing Talents pdf par Temple Grandin

"Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism" by Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy provides practical advice and guidance for individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) looking to build a successful career. The book is based on Grandin's personal experience and her work as an animal scientist and autism advocate.

The book begins by explaining the strengths and challenges of individuals with AS and HFA in the workplace. Grandin argues that individuals with AS and HFA have unique skills that can be valuable in many industries, such as attention to detail, logical thinking, and the ability to think outside the box. However, they may struggle with social communication, sensory issues, and executive functioning.

The authors then provide detailed information on various career paths and industries that may be a good fit for individuals with AS and HFA. These include computer programming, engineering, accounting, and scientific research, among others. The book offers practical tips for job searching, writing resumes, and preparing for job interviews.

One of the strengths of this book is the personal stories and advice from individuals with AS and HFA who have found success in their careers. Grandin and Duffy also provide guidance for employers on how to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for individuals with AS and HFA, including accommodations such as flexible work schedules and sensory-friendly workspaces.

The book also addresses the importance of self-care and stress management for individuals with AS and HFA in the workplace. Grandin and Duffy encourage individuals to develop coping strategies, such as taking breaks and engaging in sensory activities, to manage stress and avoid burnout.

Overall, "Developing Talents" is a valuable resource for individuals with AS and HFA, their families, and employers looking to create a more inclusive workplace. It provides practical advice and guidance for individuals looking to build a successful career, and emphasizes the unique strengths and skills that individuals with AS and HFA can bring to the workforce.

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