Food Safety Risks from Wildlife: Challenges in Agriculture, Conservation, and Public Health

Food Safety Risks from Wildlife: Challenges in Agriculture, Conservation, and Public Health pdf








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Michael Patrick Doyle est professeur émérite de microbiologie, microbiologiste et auteur. Il est professeur émérite Regents de microbiologie alimentaire au Collège des sciences agricoles et environnementales de l'Université de Géorgie et ancien directeur du Centre pour la sécurité alimentaire du collège, où il a fait des recherches sur les pathogènes bactériens d'origine alimentaire. Il a développé des brevets pour plusieurs interventions de sécurité alimentaire, dont une utilisée comme lavage de la viande. Doyle est diplômé de l'Université du Wisconsin-Madison avec un B.S. Bactériologie (1973), suivi d'un M.S. (1975) et doctorat. (1977) en microbiologie alimentaire sous la direction du professeur et conseiller de l'UW, le Dr Elmer Marth.
Doyle est membre de l'Académie américaine de microbiologie ; l'Association américaine pour l'avancement des sciences ; la Société américaine de microbiologie ; l'Association internationale pour la protection alimentaire; l'Institut de médecine des académies nationales ; l'Académie nationale des inventeurs ; Phi Kappa Phi ; Sigma Xi; et Gamma Sigma Delta.

Description du livre

Food Safety Risks from Wildlife: Challenges in Agriculture, Conservation, and Public Health pdf par Michael Patrick Doyle

Foodborne illnesses caused by zoonotic pathogens associated with wildlife hosts are an emerging microbial food safety concern. Transmission of foodborne pathogens can occur through ingestion, or improper handling, of contaminated game meat. Wild and feral animals have also been investigated as potential sources of Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other enteric pathogens following foodborne disease outbreaks linked to fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g., baby spinach in California, shelled-peas in Alaska, strawberries in Oregon). This book explores the range of bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens that have been described in wildlife populations in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. It also addresses important challenges and solutions to balance agriculture, conservation, and public health goals. The book provides unique information on approaches in risk communication, co-management, and One Health in a wildlife-food safety context. The first five chapters review research on the detection, epidemiology and ecology of foodborne pathogens in wildlife populations including the influence of wildlife-livestock-human interactions. The second half of the book addresses current guidelines to mitigate microbial food safety risks from wildlife hosts and new regulations proposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule. Chapters are written by an array of internationally reco

gnized authors, and will be of interest to agriculture safety experts, ecologists, environmental health specialists, food safety professionals, microbiologists, public health practitioners, veterinarians, wildlife biologists, and others in academia, government, industry, and students in these disciplines.

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