GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management

GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management pdf


John Lyon









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Lyon s'est intéressé très tôt aux zones humides et autres systèmes modérément perturbés comme lieux d'évaluation de l'état des communautés végétales indigènes. Cet intérêt a été aiguisé dans ses pérégrinations de jeunesse dans les montagnes et les systèmes alpins du nord-ouest du Pacifique, de la Californie, du Nevada et de l'Alaska. L'étude systématique des zones humides dans le cadre de travaux de premier cycle au Reed College dans son Oregon natal et de travaux de troisième cycle à l'Université du Michigan a abouti à des thèses de licence et de maîtrise et à une thèse de doctorat consacrée aux zones humides et à d'autres systèmes naturels. Dix-huit ans en tant que membre du corps professoral et finalement professeur titulaire de génie civil et de ressources naturelles à l'Ohio State University ont été consacrés à la poursuite de ces intérêts. Un ensemble de travaux comprenait des évaluations par télédétecteur et SIG des terres humides, le développement de méthodes de terrain pour l'identification des terres humides et d'autres efforts sur les sols, l'agriculture, les rivières et les systèmes des Grands Lacs laurentiens.

Description du livre

GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management pdf par John Lyon

"GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management" by John G. Lyon is a comprehensive guide that provides an in-depth understanding of the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in water resource management.

The book begins with an introduction to GIS and its applications in water resource management, including data acquisition, integration, and analysis. It covers the basics of GIS such as data types, projections, coordinate systems, and spatial analysis techniques. It also includes a chapter on digital elevation models and how they are used in hydrological modeling.

The author then explores the use of GIS in watershed management. He describes how GIS can be used to map watersheds, calculate the flow of water, and estimate the quantity and quality of water. The book also covers the use of GIS in water quality monitoring, including the development of water quality indices, and the use of remote sensing data to map water quality parameters.

In addition, the book discusses the use of GIS in water supply and demand management. It covers topics such as water distribution system modeling, water demand forecasting, and the use of GIS in decision-making related to water allocation and pricing.

One of the most important aspects of the book is its focus on practical applications. The author provides several case studies that illustrate how GIS has been used in real-world water resource management scenarios. The case studies cover a range of topics, including watershed management, floodplain mapping, and water supply and demand management.

Overall, "GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management" is a valuable resource for professionals working in water resource management, as well as students and researchers in environmental science and geography. It provides a thorough understanding of the applications of GIS in water resource management, and its practical approach makes it an essential guide for anyone interested in this field.

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