How to Be a Marxist in Philosophy

How to Be a Marxist in Philosophy pdf


Louis Althusser








Sciences Sociales

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Louis Pierre Althusser (français : 16 octobre 1918 - 22 octobre 1990) était un philosophe marxiste français. Il est né en Algérie et a étudié à l'École normale supérieure de Paris, où il est finalement devenu professeur de philosophie. Althusser était un membre de longue date et parfois un critique virulent du Parti communiste français (PCF). Ses arguments et ses thèses s'opposent aux menaces qu'il voit s'attaquer aux fondements théoriques du marxisme. Celles-ci comprenaient à la fois l'influence de l'empirisme sur la théorie marxiste et les orientations socialistes humanistes et réformistes qui se manifestaient par des divisions dans les partis communistes européens, ainsi que le problème du culte de la personnalité et de l'idéologie. Althusser est communément qualifié de marxiste structurel, bien que sa relation avec d'autres écoles de structuralisme français ne soit pas une simple affiliation et qu'il ait critiqué de nombreux aspects du structuralisme. La vie d'Althusser a été marquée par des périodes de maladie mentale intense. En 1980, il tue sa femme, la sociologue Hélène Rytmann, en l'étranglant. Il a été déclaré inapte à être jugé pour cause de folie et interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique pendant trois ans. Il a fait peu de travaux universitaires supplémentaires, mourant en 1990.

Description du livre

How to Be a Marxist in Philosophy pdf par Louis Althusser

In How to be a Marxist in Philosophy one of the most famous Marxist philosophers of the 20th century shares his concept of what it means to function fruitfully as a political thinker within the discipline and environs of philosophy. This is the first English translation to Althusser's provocative and, often, controversial guide to being a true Marxist philosopher.
Althusser argues that philosophy needs Marxism. It can't exist fully without it. Similarly, Marxism requires the rigour and structures of philosophy to give it form and focus. He calls all thinking people to, 'Remember: a philosopher is a man who fights in theory, and when he understands the reasons for this fight, he joined the ranks of the struggle of workers and popular classes.' In short, this book comprises Althusser's elucidation of what 'praxis' means and how necessary it continues to be to every political subject.
With a superb introduction from translator and Althusser archivist G.M. Goshgarian, this is a book that we re-inspire contemporary Marxist thought and reinvigorate our notions of what political activism can be.
"On 11 June 1984, Althusser called one of his many unreleased manuscripts to the attention of the Mexican philosopher Fernanda Navarro, who was to publish an introduction to his late philosophy in the guise of an interview in 1988. ‘I’ve reread a manuscript that comes under “philosophy”, a manuscript that, though it’s unfinished, seems pretty good to me. At any rate, I read the whole thing. It takes up the question of philosophy’s absolute beginning and Descartes’ feint in his “order of reasons”. Did you read it while you were here? I don’t disown it.’1 Coming from a past master in the art of self-deprecation, this counts as high praise. Navarro was fascinated by the manuscript: ‘Althusser showed me a philosophy manual for “non-philosophers” ... that I could use as a reference work for my project. Delighted, I began to discover it, to devour it.’2 It was in the light of this guided discovery that the Mexican philosopher patched together Filosofía y marxismo, the only philosophical text that Althusser was to release in the decade left him after he strangled his wife Hélène Rytmann in a fit of madness in 1980."

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