Muslims and Jews in America

Muslims and Jews in America pdf


Reza Aslan









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Reza Aslan ( persan : رضا اصلان , né le 3 mai 1972) est un chercheur irano-américain en sociologie de la religion , écrivain et animateur de télévision. Converti au christianisme évangélique de l'islam chiite dans sa jeunesse, Aslan est finalement revenu à l'islam mais a continué à écrire sur le christianisme. Il a écrit quatre livres sur la religion : No God but God : The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Beyond Fundamentalism : Confronting Religious Extremism in the Age of Globalization, Zealot : The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, et God : A L'histoire humain.
Aslan a travaillé pour la télévision, y compris une série documentaire explorant les religions du monde sur CNN appelée Believer, et en tant que producteur exécutif sur la série dramatique HBO The Leftovers. Aslan est membre de l'American Academy of Religion et de l'International Qur'anic Studies Association. Il est professeur d'écriture créative à l'Université de Californie à Riverside et membre du conseil d'administration du National Iranian American Council (NIAC).

Description du livre

Muslims and Jews in America pdf par Reza Aslan

Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities

Jews and Muslims make up less than 3% of the total population of the United States. Yet, despite their relatively small numbers, the members of these two minority groups often find themselves the focus of a disproportionate amount of media attention, particularly when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Beyond such international issues, American Jews and American Muslims find themselves struggling with similar inter-communal concerns when it comes to matters like education (for example tensions between student populations of Jews and Muslims on university campuses), politics (such as the swearing in of the first Muslim Congressman in the House of Representatives, Keith Ellison, or the omnipresent emails and robo-calls linking President Obama to the Muslim community that emerged during the 2008 Presidential election), or even pop culture (think of such recent Hollywood productions as Kingdom in Heaven, Munich, Paradise Now, and Traitor, to name but a few). In all of these matters, American Jews and American Muslims have consistently engaged each other in conversation – whether directly or indirectly; constructive or not – in ways that have usually eluded their co-religionists throughout the rest of the world. This has partly to do with America’s ethos as a “melting pot” of different religions, ethnicities, and cultures. But it also has to do with the innovative ways in which Judaism and Islam have absorbed, and been radically altered, by the so-called “American experience.”
This book is an exploration of contemporary Jewish-Muslim relations in the United States and the distinct and often creative ways in which these two communities interact with one another in the American context. Each essay discusses a different episode from the recent twentieth and current twenty-first century American milieu that links these two groups together. Some deal with case examples of local inter-communal interaction, such as “dialogue groups,” which can help us better understand national trends of similar activities in other parts of the country. Others focus on national trends themselves, thus giving us greater insights into individual incidents.
"Proceeds from this volume are going to Abraham’s Vision (AV), an edu- cational organization founded and codirected by Aaron J. Hahn Tapper, and upon whose board of directors Reza Aslan has served, as a founding member, since 2006. Abraham’s Vision is a conf lict transformation organization that explores group and individual identities through experiential and political educa- tion. Examining social relations within and between the Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, and Palestinian communities, AV empowers participants to prac-  tice just alternatives to the status quo. One of AV’s f lagship programs, the Unity Program, educates Muslim and Jewish fifteen- to eighteen-year-olds about Muslim-Jewish relations, Islam, and Judaism, while strengthening the relationships students have to their own communities and religious traditions. It is our hope that this volume will assist future generations of these communities in creating new paradigms of intercommunal commitments to justice and peace."

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