Reading Capital

Reading Capital pdf


Louis Althusser








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Louis Pierre Althusser (français : 16 octobre 1918 - 22 octobre 1990) était un philosophe marxiste français. Il est né en Algérie et a étudié à l'École normale supérieure de Paris, où il est finalement devenu professeur de philosophie. Althusser était un membre de longue date et parfois un critique virulent du Parti communiste français (PCF). Ses arguments et ses thèses s'opposent aux menaces qu'il voit s'attaquer aux fondements théoriques du marxisme. Celles-ci comprenaient à la fois l'influence de l'empirisme sur la théorie marxiste et les orientations socialistes humanistes et réformistes qui se manifestaient par des divisions dans les partis communistes européens, ainsi que le problème du culte de la personnalité et de l'idéologie. Althusser est communément qualifié de marxiste structurel, bien que sa relation avec d'autres écoles de structuralisme français ne soit pas une simple affiliation et qu'il ait critiqué de nombreux aspects du structuralisme. La vie d'Althusser a été marquée par des périodes de maladie mentale intense. En 1980, il tue sa femme, la sociologue Hélène Rytmann, en l'étranglant. Il a été déclaré inapte à être jugé pour cause de folie et interné dans un hôpital psychiatrique pendant trois ans. Il a fait peu de travaux universitaires supplémentaires, mourant en 1990.

Description du livre

Reading Capital pdf par Louis Althusser

Together with Louis Althusser’s book For Marx, Reading Capital represents one of the foundational texts of the school of “structuralist Marxism” which transformed the face of modern philosophy and social theory. Presided over by the magnetic and intellectually coruscating figure of Althusser, the structuralist Marxists attempted no less than an intellectual revolution against dominant interpretations of Marx. Seeking to cleanse Marx of all Hegelian impurities and recast his thought on a rigorously scientific basis, in this work Althusser and one of his most brilliant students and colleagues, Etienne Balibar, subjected Marx’s method in Capital, his critique of classical political economy, and the fundamental terms of historical materialism, to searching textual analysis and challenging conceptual reconstruction. Inaugurating a new way of reading Marx that was to prove both intensely stimulating and capable of generating fierce controversy, Reading Capital is a work that cannot be bypassed by anyone interested in Marxism, and in theory more generally, in this century.
"The following papers were delivered in the course of a seminar on Capital held at the École Normale Supérieure early in 1965. They bear the mark of these circumstances: not only in their construction, their rhythm, their didactic or oral style, but also and above all in their discrepancies, the repetitions, hesitations and uncertain steps in their investigations. We could, of course, have gone over them at our leisure, corrected them one against the other, reduced the margin of variation between them, unified their terminology, their hypotheses and their conclusions to the best of our ability, and set out their contents in the systematic framework of a single discourse -- in other words, we could have tried to make a finished work out of them. But rather than pretending they are what they should have been, we prefer to present them for what they are: precisely, incomplete texts, the mere beginnings of a reading."

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