Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals

Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals pdf


Temple Grandin








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Mary Temple Grandin, également connue sous le nom de Temple Grandin, est une professeure américaine bien connue de sciences animales et défenseure des personnes atteintes d'autisme. Elle est née à Boston, Massachusetts en 1947 et a été diagnostiquée autiste à l'âge de deux ans.

Malgré les défis auxquels elle a été confrontée en raison de son autisme, Grandin a obtenu un baccalauréat en psychologie du Franklin Pierce College, une maîtrise en sciences animales de l'Arizona State University et un doctorat. en sciences animales de l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign.

Grandin est surtout connue pour son travail dans le domaine du bien-être animal et sa contribution à la conception d'installations de manutention du bétail. Elle a écrit plusieurs livres sur le sujet, dont "Animals in Translation" et "Thinking in Pictures", qui sont devenus des ouvrages influents dans le domaine des sciences animales.

Grandin a également été une voix de premier plan dans la sensibilisation à l'autisme et la défense des droits des personnes autistes. Elle a parlé ouvertement de ses propres expériences avec l'autisme et comment cela a façonné sa vie et sa carrière. En reconnaissance de son travail de plaidoyer, Grandin a été intronisée au National Women's Hall of Fame en 2017.

Aujourd'hui, Grandin continue d'être une conférencière et une éducatrice active sur le bien-être des animaux et l'autisme, et elle est professeure de sciences animales à la Colorado State University. Son travail a eu un impact significatif sur les communautés des sciences animales et de l'autisme, et elle est largement respectée pour ses contributions dans les deux domaines.

Description du livre

Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals pdf par Temple Grandin

"Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals" is a comprehensive manual on how to handle and manage livestock in a humane and effective way. Temple Grandin, a world-renowned animal behaviorist and advocate for the rights of animals, shares her knowledge and expertise in this guidebook, which is designed for farmers, ranchers, and anyone working with farm animals.

The book is divided into two parts. Part One covers the principles of animal behavior and explains how to apply these principles in practical ways. Grandin describes the sensory and emotional experiences of livestock and how to work with these animals in a way that minimizes fear and stress. She also provides tips on handling and restraint techniques, as well as methods for improving animal welfare on farms.

Part Two of the book provides detailed instructions on how to handle specific types of farm animals, including cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry. Grandin provides step-by-step guidance on everything from catching and moving animals to administering medications and performing euthanasia.

Throughout the book, Grandin emphasizes the importance of respecting the animals' behavior and needs. She encourages readers to observe their animals closely, learn to read their body language, and respond appropriately to their behavior. By doing so, farmers and ranchers can not only improve the welfare of their animals but also increase their own safety and productivity.

The guidebook is filled with practical advice and illustrations to help readers understand the concepts and techniques Grandin describes. She also includes personal anecdotes from her own experiences working with livestock and provides insights into how animals think and feel.

In addition to its practical value, "Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals" is an important resource for anyone interested in animal welfare and the ethical treatment of animals. Grandin's approach to animal handling has revolutionized the industry, and her insights and recommendations have helped to improve the lives of countless animals.

Overall, this book is an essential guide for anyone working with farm animals. It provides a wealth of practical information and guidance that can help farmers and ranchers improve the welfare of their animals, increase their productivity and efficiency, and promote a more humane and sustainable approach to agriculture.

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