Economics For Dummies

Economics For Dummies pdf








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Sean est professeur adjoint d'économie au Scripps College de Claremont, en Californie. Il est l'auteur du best-seller international "Economics for Dummies" ainsi que le co-auteur, avec Campbell McConnell et Stanley Brue, du manuel d'économie universitaire le plus vendu au monde, "Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies". Artiste martial passionné, Sean est un ancien champion national d'aïkido et a entraîné cinq de ses élèves vers des titres nationaux d'aïkido aux États-Unis. Commentateur récurrent sur FOX Business, ABC News et NPR, Sean est titulaire d'un B.A. en économie de l'Université de Californie du Sud et un doctorat. en économie de l'U.C. Berkeley, où il a terminé sa thèse sous la direction du lauréat du prix Nobel George Akerlof. Les recherches de Sean se concentrent sur le comportement souvent déroutant et apparemment irrationnel des investisseurs boursiers, mais il a également étudié des sujets aussi variés que les facteurs qui affectent le comportement de pourboire des clients dans les restaurants et pourquoi vous ne voyez beaucoup de travailleurs syndiqués que dans certaines industries.

Description du livre

Economics For Dummies pdf par Sean Masaki Flynn

If you think economics is a complicated discipline that's reserved for theorists and the intellectual elite and has nothing to do with you, think again. Economics impacts every aspect of our lives, from what we eat, to how we dress, to where we live. Economics might be complicated, but it has everything to do with you. Economics For Dummies helps you see how your personal financial picture is influenced by the larger economic picture. When you understand how what happens on Wall Street affects Main Street and how policies emanating from the White House impact the finances in your house, you'll be able to:

Learn how government economic decisions affect you and your family Make better spending decisions and improve your personal finances Maximize your business profits Make wiser investments Written by Sean M. Flynn, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics at Vassar College, Economics For Dummies covers all the basics of micro- and macroeconomic theory. The next time you need to understand an economic theory or calculation, whether it's on the nightly news or on a spreadsheet at work, you'll no longer be in the dark. Economics For Dummies covers all the history, principles, major theories, and terminology, including:

How economics affect governments, international relations, business, and even environmental issues like global warming and endangered species How the government fights recessions and unemployment using monetary and fiscal policy How and why international trade is good for you even if you don't appreciate French champagne, Irish crystal, or Swiss watches How the law of supply and demand can explain the prices of everything from comic books to open heart surgeries How the Federal Reserve controls the money supply, interest rates, and inflation Basic theories such as Keynesian economics, the Laffer Curve, and Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Presenting complex theories in simple terms and helping you decode the jargon, understand the equations, and debunk the common misconceptions, Economics For Dummies could be a big boon to your personal economy!

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