Remote sensing and GIS accuracy assessment

Remote sensing and GIS accuracy assessment pdf


John Lyon









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Lyon s'est intéressé très tôt aux zones humides et autres systèmes modérément perturbés comme lieux d'évaluation de l'état des communautés végétales indigènes. Cet intérêt a été aiguisé dans ses pérégrinations de jeunesse dans les montagnes et les systèmes alpins du nord-ouest du Pacifique, de la Californie, du Nevada et de l'Alaska. L'étude systématique des zones humides dans le cadre de travaux de premier cycle au Reed College dans son Oregon natal et de travaux de troisième cycle à l'Université du Michigan a abouti à des thèses de licence et de maîtrise et à une thèse de doctorat consacrée aux zones humides et à d'autres systèmes naturels. Dix-huit ans en tant que membre du corps professoral et finalement professeur titulaire de génie civil et de ressources naturelles à l'Ohio State University ont été consacrés à la poursuite de ces intérêts. Un ensemble de travaux comprenait des évaluations par télédétecteur et SIG des terres humides, le développement de méthodes de terrain pour l'identification des terres humides et d'autres efforts sur les sols, l'agriculture, les rivières et les systèmes des Grands Lacs laurentiens.

Description du livre

Remote sensing and GIS accuracy assessment pdf par John Lyon

"Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment" by John G. Lyon is a comprehensive guide for understanding the accuracy of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) data. The book covers various aspects of accuracy assessment, including error sources, statistical methods, and quality control procedures.

The book is divided into five sections, each covering a different aspect of accuracy assessment. The first section provides an introduction to accuracy assessment and discusses the importance of accuracy assessment in remote sensing and GIS. The second section focuses on error sources in remote sensing and GIS data and the methods used to quantify and reduce these errors. The third section covers statistical methods for accuracy assessment, including the concept of accuracy and the various measures of accuracy. The fourth section discusses the importance of quality control procedures for accuracy assessment and provides practical guidance on how to implement quality control procedures. Finally, the fifth section discusses the integration of accuracy assessment with GIS and remote sensing applications, including land use/land cover mapping, forest inventory, and water resource management.

One of the key strengths of this book is its emphasis on practical applications. The author provides numerous examples and case studies throughout the book, demonstrating how accuracy assessment can be applied in real-world situations. The book also includes a comprehensive list of references, making it a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of remote sensing and GIS.

The book is written in an accessible style and assumes no prior knowledge of accuracy assessment. It is suitable for students and professionals in the field of remote sensing and GIS who are interested in improving the accuracy of their data. The book is also a valuable resource for instructors teaching courses on remote sensing and GIS.

Overall, "Remote Sensing and GIS Accuracy Assessment" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the accuracy of remote sensing and GIS data. The book provides a thorough overview of accuracy assessment methods and their practical applications, making it a useful reference for both researchers and practitioners in the field.

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