Staying healthy with the seasons

Staying healthy with the seasons pdf


Elson M. Haas








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Elson M. Haas, MD, est le directeur médical du Centre médical préventif de Marin à San Rafael, en Californie. Il est l'un des principaux praticiens de la médecine intégrative au pays. Les livres acclamés de Haas incluent Staying Healthy With Nutrition, The Detox Diet, A Diet for All Seasons et Staying Healthy With the Seasons. Il vit avec sa famille dans une ferme du comté de Sonoma, en Californie, où il cultive bon nombre de ses propres aliments sains.

Description du livre

Staying healthy with the seasons pdf par Elson M. Haas

Nature''s cycles affect not only the external climate, but also our internal health and mental well-being. With this as its primary tenet, STAYING HEALTHY WITH THE SEASONS revolutionized the fields of preventive and integrated medicine when it was first published in 1981, and introduced a seasonal approach to nutrition, disease prevention, and mind-and-body fitness. A leading practitioner of the season-based lifestyle theory, Dr. Elson Haas provides simple, logical advice for achieving glowing good health: Bring the mind and body into balance with the earth, and consume a diet that emphasizes in-season, chemical-free foods. Joining Western and Eastern medicines with seasonal nutrition, herbology, and exercise practices, this timeless classic, revised for the 21st century, provides the keys to staying healthy from spring right on through winter. - A landmark text in mind/body health and seasonal nutrition, revised for the new millennium, with a new introduction, updated resources, and extended appendices. - Makes seasonal recommendations for detoxification, diet, and exercise programs. - Previous edition has sold over 125,000 copies. Abstract: Nature''s cycles affect not only the external climate, but also our internal health and mental well-being. With this as its primary tenet, STAYING HEALTHY WITH THE SEASONS revolutionized the fields of preventive and integrated medicine when it was first published in 1981, and introduced a seasonal approach to nutrition, disease prevention, and mind-and-body fitness. A leading practitioner of the season-based lifestyle theory, Dr. Elson Haas provides simple, logical advice for achieving glowing good health: Bring the mind and body into balance with the earth, and consume a diet that emphasizes in-season, chemical-free foods. Joining Western and Eastern medicines with seasonal nutrition, herbology, and exercise practices, this timeless classic, revised for the 21st century, provides the keys to staying healthy from spring right on through winter. - A landmark text in mind/body health and seasonal nutrition, revised for the new millennium, with a new introduction, updated resources, and extended appendices. - Makes seasonal recommendations for detoxification, diet, and exercise programs. - Previous edition has sold over 125,000 copies

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