Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 3: The Challenge of War, 1914-1916

Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 3: The Challenge of War, 1914-1916 Télécharger le livre pdf


Martin Gilbert









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Biographe officiel de Winston Churchill et éminent historien du XXe siècle, Sir Martin Gilbert était un érudit et un historien qui, à travers ses 88 livres, a montré qu'il existe une « histoire vraie » Né à Londres en 1936, Martin Gilbert a fait ses études à la Highgate School et au Magdalen College d'Oxford, où il a obtenu son diplôme avec mention très bien. Il a été chercheur au St Anthony's College et est devenu membre du Merton College d'Oxford en 1962 et membre honoraire en 1994. Après avoir travaillé comme chercheur pour Randolph Churchill, Gilbert a été choisi pour reprendre la rédaction de la biographie de Churchill. à la mort de Randolph en 1968, écrivant six des huit volumes de biographie et éditant douze volumes de documents. En outre, Gilbert a écrit des ouvrages pionniers et classiques sur les Première et Seconde Guerres mondiales, le XXe siècle, l'Holocauste et l'histoire juive. Gilbert a conduit tous les aspects de ses livres, de la recherche d'archives à la correspondance avec des témoins oculaires et des participants qui ont donné à son travail la véracité et le sens, à la recherche et au choix d'illustrations, en dessinant des cartes qui mentionnent chaque endroit dans le texte et en compilant les index. Il a beaucoup voyagé pour donner des conférences et des recherches, conseillé des personnalités politiques et des cinéastes, et a donné une voix et un nom « à ceux qui se sont battus et à ceux qui sont tombés.

Description du livre

Winston S. Churchill. Vol. 3: The Challenge of War, 1914-1916 livre pdf lu et telecharge par Martin Gilbert

“A milestone, a monument, a magisterial achievement… rightly regarded as the most comprehensive life ever written of any age.” —Andrew Roberts, historian and author of The Storm of War “The most scholarly study of Churchill in war and peace ever written.” —Herbert Mitgang, The New York Times This third volume of the official biography of Sir Winston Churchill contains a full account of his initiatives and achievements as wartime First Lord of the Admiralty between August 1914 and May 1915. These include his efforts to prolong the siege of Antwerp, his support for the use of air power, and his part in the early development of the tank. It shows the forcefulness with which he argued for an offensive naval policy, first against Germany, then against Turkey. “What about the Dardanelles?” was the cry Churchill heard often between the two world wars. It epitomized the distrust in which he was held by both politicians and the public as a result of the naval setback at the Dardanelles in March 1915 and the eventual failure of the Gallipoli landings launched the following month. Martin Gilbert examines the political crisis of May 1915, during which the Conservative Party forced Asquith to form a coalition government. The Conservatives insisted that Churchill leave the center of war policymaking for a position of increasing political isolation. In the next seven months, while the Gallipoli campaign was being fought, Churchill served as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, with no authority over military or naval policy. Resigning from the Cabinet in November 1915, Churchill was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding an infantry battalion in the trenches of the Western Front. In May 1916, he returned from the trenches, hoping to reenter political life, but his repeated attempts to regain his once-substantial influence were unsuccessful. About the Author SIR MARTIN GILBERT was born in England in 1936. He was a graduate of Oxford University, from which he held a Doctorate of Letters, and was an Honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. In 1962 he began work as one of Randolph Churchill’s research assistants, and in 1968, after Randolph Churchill’s death, he became the official biographer of Winston Churchill. He published six volumes of the Churchill biography, and edited twelve volumes of Churchill documents. During forty-eight years of research and writing, Sir Martin published eighty books, including The First World War, The Second World War, and a three-volume History of the Twentieth Century. He also wrote, as part of his series of ten historical atlases, Atlas of the First World War, and, most recently, Atlas of the Second World War. Sir Martin’s film and television work included a documentary series on the life of Winston Churchill. His other published works include Churchill: A Photographic Portrait, In Search of Churchill, Churchill and America, and the single volume Churchill, A Life. About the Work In the official biography of Sir Winston Churchill, his son Randolph—and later Sir Martin Gilbert, who took up the work following Randolph’s death—had the full use of Sir Winston’s letters and papers, and also many hundreds of private archives. The work spans eight volumes, detailing Churchill’s youth and early adventures in South Africa and India, his early career, and his more than fifty years on the world stage. No other statesman of modern times—or indeed of any age—has left such a wealth of personal letters, such a rich store of private and public documentation, such vivid memories in the minds of those who worked closest to him. Through these materials, assembled over the course of more than twenty years, one is able to know Churchill in a way never before possible.

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