وادي النظرون

وادي النظرون पीडीएफ









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साइट अपडेट होने के कारण, अपडेट पूरा होने तक डाउनलोड अस्थायी रूप से रोक दिया जाएगापर्क करें [email protected]

Omar Toson: He is one of the most important pioneers of reform and renaissance in Egypt at the beginning of the twentieth century. He made many contributions in the scientific and practical fields. Where he was able to chronicle many historical events, and to present many Egyptian historical and archaeological studies, which were considered pioneering works in this regard. Who helped in the advancement of the country, whether on the economic, social or political level. Prince Omar Toson was born in Alexandria in 1872 AD, his father is Prince Tousun bin Muhammad Saeed bin Muhammad Ali, and his mother is Princess Fatima, one of the daughters of Khedive Ismail, his father died when he was four years old, so his grandmother sponsored him for his father, where he completed his first lessons and moved to Switzerland, then To complete his education, he also traveled to many European countries such as France and England. Prince Omar Toson is considered one of the most generous contributors to charitable works in modern Egypt. His charitable connections included dozens of associations; Including the Islamic Charitable Society and the Coptic Charitable Society, where he donated six thousand pounds to them, as well as his quest to collect donations for them. His activities in the public sphere included the political, economic and archaeological aspects; Where he provided support for the Ottoman Libyan resistance in the face of the Italian invasion, and supported the armies of the Ottoman state that were being invaded in the Balkans, as well as exposing the Dutch colonial policy in Indonesia. As for the economic aspect, he assumed the presidency of the Royal Agricultural Society, which was concerned with agricultural affairs in Egypt, so he promoted it and helped develop agricultural production. In the archaeological field, Toson took the lead. Where he was able to discover 52 archaeological monasteries, find the head of the statue of Alexander the Great in the Gulf of Aqaba, and retrieve it from the water with the help of fishermen and divers. He also discovered the remains of a city submerged in water at a depth of five meters along with the pioneering studies in Abu Qir 193 in the year 3 AD. and effects. Prince Omar Toson died in 1944 AD at the age of seventy-two.

पुस्तक का विवरण

وادي النظرون पीडीएफ उमर टोसोन

يعد عمر طوسون كاتب هذا الكتاب عَلم من أعلام النهضة المصرية الحديثة، فرغم انتماءه إلى العائلة المالكة إلا أنه كان مشغولًا بقضايا أمته. فقد تعددت اهتماماته وتنوعت بين البحث الميداني والنظري، فعلى المستوى الميداني يعود الفضل للرجل في اكتشاف العديد من الآثار المصرية القديمة (ما يقارب اثنين وخمسين ديرًا بالإضافة إلى رأس تمثال الإسكندر الأكبر)، هذه الخبرة الميدانية للمؤلف ساعدته على أن يكون متميزًا في مجال البحث التاريخي والأثري النظري، حيث تميزت مؤلفاته النظرية بالعمق والجدة نظرًا لارتباطها بخبرة طوسون الميدانية. ومن هذه المؤلفات كتاب «وادي النطرون ورهبانه وأديرته»، الذي تعرض فيه المؤلف لتاريخ هذا الوادي وأديرته، وللبطاركة الأرثوذوكس الذين عاشوا فيه، وحال رهبانه قبل الفتح العربي لمصر.

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और किताबें उमर टोसोन

الجيش المصري في الحرب الروسية المعروفة بحرب القرم
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الجيش المصري في الحرب الروسية المعروفة بحرب القرم पीडीएफ उमर टोसोन
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بطولة الأورطة السودانية المصرية في حرب المكسيك
بطولة الأورطة السودانية المصرية في حرب المكسيك
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بطولة الأورطة السودانية المصرية في حرب المكسيك पीडीएफ उमर टोसोन

और किताबें मिस्र का आधुनिक और समकालीन इतिहास

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تحرير مصر
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अब्दुल्ला हुसैन
السودان من التاريخ القديم إلى رحلة البعثة المصرية - الجزء الثالث पीडीएफ अब्दुल्ला हुसैन
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تاريخ ما قبل التاريخ
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تاريخ الفيوم
इब्राहिम रमज़ी बिन मोहम्मद रमज़िक
تاريخ الفيوم पीडीएफ इब्राहिम रमज़ी बिन मोहम्मद रमज़िक

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