Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice: IFIP 19th World Computer Congress

Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice: IFIP 19th World Computer Congress पुस्तक पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करें







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सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी के प्रोफेसर एमेरिटस, पोर्ट्समाउथ विश्वविद्यालय, ब्रिटेन अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सूचना प्रसंस्करण संघ के मानद सचिव ब्रिटिश कंप्यूटर सोसाइटी में आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस स्पेशियलिटी ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष पूर्व में डिजिटल आईटी के प्रोफेसर और पोर्ट्समाउथ विश्वविद्यालय में सूचना विज्ञान विभाग के प्रमुख, यूके, नॉलेज इंजीनियरिंग प्रोग्राम के निदेशक, हेवलेट-लैब्स पैकार्ड, ब्रिस्टल, चेयर, स्कूल ऑफ कंप्यूटिंग एंड इंफॉर्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी, टेम्स पॉलिटेक्निक (अब ग्रीनविच विश्वविद्यालय), ईस्ट मिडलैंड्स क्षेत्रीय निदेशक, शिक्षा कार्यक्रम में डीईएस माइक्रोइलेक्ट्रॉनिक, कंप्यूटर विज्ञान में व्याख्याता, मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय,

पुस्तक का विवरण

Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice: IFIP 19th World Computer Congress पुस्तक पीडीएफ को पढ़ें और डाउनलोड करें मैक्स ब्रैमर

The papers in this volume include the proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice (IFIP AI 2006), which was part of the 19th World Computer Congress of IFIP, the International Federation of Information Processing (WCC- 2006), in Santiago, Chile in August 2006. The conference was organized by the Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence IFIP (Technical Committee 12) and Working Group 12.5 (Artificial Intelligence Applications). All papers were reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. The best papers for the conference were selected and included in this volume. The international nature of the IFIP is clearly reflected in the large number of countries represented here. The conference included invited talks by Rose Deng, John Atkinson, John Debenham, and myself. IFIP AI 2006 also included the second IFIP Symposium on Professional Practice in Artificial Intelligence, organized by Professor John Debenham, and held alongside the scientific papers. I would like to thank the President of the Conference. Professor Debenham for all his efforts in organizing the seminar and our program committee members to review an unexpectedly large number of papers on a very tight deadline. This is the latest in a series of conferences organized by the IFIP 12 Technical Committee dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies and their applications in the real world. The papers in this volume indicate the broad scope and importance of these applications

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