Ali Ahmed

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إن العلم والدين ليسا في نزاع أو خصام مع بعضهما البعض... ولكن كل ما في الأمر أن العلم لا يزال حديثاً جداً لكي يفهم.

الألم جزء من النمو; ونحن لايمكننا أن نتعلم إلا بهذه الطريقة فقط.

يتعين على الإنسان أحياناً أن يحرك الجبال من أماكنها سعياً وراء الحقيقة.

أحيِ المخاوف القديمة من جديد ثم إسحقها و إقضِ عليها ، الرعب و الامل اجعلهم يؤمنون من جديد.

وامنحني القوة لأقبل تلك الامور التي لايمكنني تغييرها.

It is a promise of God that when you do the right thing, an even better thing will happen... If you take one step, He'll take two. When you are bold enough to step off in faith, to jump, that is when you'll soar.

You don't have to sit there and keep losing valuable years of life with a man who's not right for you...You have to keep moving forward and believe that God has the right person for you...the right person to give you strength and encouragement to keep you jumping toward your dreams.

All men CAN change, but that doesn't mean that all men WILL change. There's only one woman whom we will change for. If a man is not willing to change, it means that you aren't the one.

When you love someone, you fight for them in every way you know how.

Michael was mint chocolate chip for her. She could try other flavors, but he’d always be her favorite.

I don't want just a night or a week or a month with you. I want you all the time. I like you better than calculus, and math is the only thing that unites the universe.

All the things that make you different make you perfect.

If you can’t stand being with a woman who’s more successful than you, then leave her alone. She’s better off without you. If you actually love her, then know the value of that love and make it a promise. That is the only thing she needs from you.

Some people they grow wiser as they grow older. Unfortunately, most people just grow older.

Sometimes not speaking says more than all the words in the world.

I didn’t fall in love with you… I flew.

When life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them in.

God gives us the ugliness so we don’t take the beautiful things in life for granted.

Love isn't always pretty. Sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it, you're back to square one, and you lost your heart somewhere along the way.

Expiration dates are for the weak.

And then I'll come find you, and I'll take care of you.

You can fall in love: someone will catch you.

I wish you could see yourself the way I see you

carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man

Not giving a fuck is not about being indifferent. It just means you're comfortable with being different. Don't say fuck it to everything in life, just to the unimportant things