Autore Ahmed Shalaby

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Di Ahmed Shalaby

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He was born in one of the villages of the Sharkia Governorate in 1915 and received his first education in the village book, so he memorized the Noble Qur’an, joined the Azhar institutes, and graduated from Dar Al Uloom (Cairo) in 1945, and obtained a diploma in education and psychology, as well as a master’s degree from the University of London, and a doctorate From the University of Cambridge, England. He worked as a teacher at Dar Al Uloom (Cairo University), director of the Egyptian Cultural Center in Indonesia in 1955 (for six years), and assistant professor at Dar Al Uloom in 1956, then professor and head of the Department of Islamic History and Islamic Civilization at Dar Al Uloom in 1961. He has also taught at universities in Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. He was a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, a member of the Supreme Council of Culture, the International Center for Biography and Sunnah, and a member of UNESCO. He has a number of Islamic books in Arabic, English and Indonesian (and has 16 books in it), most notably: (Encyclopedia) “Islamic History”, and he has articles in a number of periodicals and hadiths on television and radio (especially on the Holy Quran Radio in Egypt), and he served as editor-in-chief of (Journal of (Al-Zahra) issued by the Islamic Studies Association, the Institute of Islamic Studies, affiliated to the League of Arab States, Cairo) He received the Order of the Republic (from Egypt) in 1983, the Order of Al-Arqa from Indonesia in 1984, and the Medal of Science and Arts in 1988. He took over the Egyptian Renaissance Library Print his encyclopedias and books He died in August 2000. His encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization 10 parts Encyclopedia of Islamic History 10 parts Comparing Religions 4 parts Islamic Library for all ages 100 parts of biographies, history and stories of the Qur’an He visited the United States and many European countries and has Works in the Indonesian language, which he mastered well.

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