Bush at War

Bush at War pdf


Bob Woodward









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Robert Upshur Woodward (nato il 26 marzo 1943) è un giornalista investigativo americano. Ha iniziato a lavorare per il Washington Post come reporter nel 1971 e ora detiene il titolo di redattore associato. Mentre era un giovane reporter per il Washington Post nel 1972, Woodward ha collaborato con Carl Bernstein, e i due hanno fatto gran parte delle notizie originali riportando su lo scandalo Watergate. Questi scandali hanno portato a numerose indagini governative e alle eventuali dimissioni del presidente Richard Nixon. Il lavoro di Woodward e Bernstein è stato definito "forse il più grande sforzo giornalistico di tutti i tempi" da Gene Roberts, personaggio di lunga data del giornalismo. Woodward ha continuato a lavorare per il Washington Post dopo il suo reportage sul Watergate. Ha scritto 21 libri sulla politica e l'attualità americana, 13 dei quali sono in cima alla lista dei best seller. Woodward è nato a Geneva, Illinois, figlio di Jane (nata Upshur) e Alfred E. Woodward, un avvocato che in seguito divenne giudice capo della 18th Judicial Circuit Court. È cresciuto nella vicina Wheaton, Illinois, e ha studiato alla Wheaton Community High School (WCHS), una scuola superiore pubblica nella stessa città. I ​​suoi genitori divorziarono quando aveva dodici anni, e lui, suo fratello e sua sorella furono cresciuti dal padre, che successivamente si risposò Dopo essere stato congedato come tenente nell'agosto 1970, Woodward fu ammesso alla Harvard Law School ma decise di non frequentare. Invece, ha fatto domanda per un lavoro come reporter per il Washington Post mentre frequentava corsi di laurea in Shakespeare e relazioni internazionali alla George Washington University. Harry M. Rosenfeld, redattore metropolitano del Post, gli concesse due settimane di prova ma non lo assunse a causa della sua mancanza di esperienza giornalistica. Dopo un anno al Montgomery Sentinel, un settimanale nei sobborghi di Washington, DC, Woodward fu assunto come giornalista del Post nel 1971.

Descrizione di Il libro

Bush at War pdf da Bob Woodward

Award-winning author and journalist Bob Woodward turns his attention to the presidency of George W. Bush. Before the acts of terrorism on 11 September, George W. Bush's presidency had been beset by numerous problems. Not only was it in many peoples eyes invalid, very few people took him seriously as a world statesman. Then following one violent mindless act of terrorism, George W. Bush became a president that his country could rely on, one they felt they could trust to lead them through these difficult times. And the world saw a man who was decisive and resolute, a president who was seemingly determined to route out the people who had carried out the heinous acts. But one year after the attacks how has the 44th President of the United States fared? And what were the actual behind the scenes discussions that took place whilst the country was rocked by the crisis? Bob Woodward has been shadowing the President since those fateful events, he was allowed unprecedented access to closed-door meetings and briefings and this masterful book is a look at what really happened.
"This is an account of President George W. Bush at war during the first 100 days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The information I obtained for this book includes contemporaneous notes taken during more than 50 National Security Council and other meetings where the most important decisions were discussed and made. Many direct quotations of the president and the war cabinet members come from these notes. Other personal notes, memos, calendars, written internal chronologies, transcripts and other documents also were the basis for direct quotations and other parts of this story. In addition, I interviewed more than 100 people involved in the decision making and execution of the war, including President Bush, key war cabinet members, the White House staff, and officials currently serving at various levels of the Defense and State Departments and the CIA. Most sources were interviewed multiple times, several a half-dozen or more times. Most of the interviews were conducted on background meaning that I could use the information but the sources would not be identified by name in this book. Nearly all allowed me to tape-record our interviews, so the story could be told more fully and with the exact language they used."

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