Calling Philosophers Names: On the Origin of a Discipline

Calling Philosophers Names: On the Origin of a Discipline pdf








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Christopher Moore è l'autore di quindici romanzi, tra cui i bestseller internazionali Lamb, A Dirty Job e You Suck. Il suo ultimo romanzo, Secondhand Souls, uscirà nell'agosto 2015.

Chris è nato a Toledo, Ohio, ed è cresciuto a Mansfield, Ohio. Suo padre era un poliziotto autostradale e sua madre vendeva grandi elettrodomestici in un grande magazzino. Ha frequentato la Ohio State University e il Brooks Institute of Photography a Santa Barbara. Si è trasferito in California all'età di 19 anni e ha vissuto sulla costa centrale fino al 2003, quando si è trasferito alle Hawaii.

Prima di pubblicare il suo primo romanzo, Practical Demonkeeping nel 1992, ha lavorato come roofer, un impiegato di drogheria, un revisore dei conti di un hotel e un broker assicurativo, un cameriere, un fotografo e un DJ rock and roll. Chris ha attinto a tutte queste esperienze lavorative per creare i personaggi dei suoi libri. Quando non scrive, Chris ama il kayak oceanico, le immersioni subacquee, la fotografia e la pittura con acrilici e oli. Vive a San Francisco.

Descrizione di Il libro

Calling Philosophers Names: On the Origin of a Discipline pdf da Christopher Moore

An original and provocative book that illuminates the origins of philosophy in ancient Greece by revealing the surprising early meanings of the word "philosopher"

Calling Philosophers Names provides a groundbreaking account of the origins of the term philosophos or "philosopher" in ancient Greece. Tracing the evolution of the word's meaning over its first two centuries, Christopher Moore shows how it first referred to aspiring political sages and advice-givers, then to avid conversationalists about virtue, and finally to investigators who focused on the scope and conditions of those conversations. Questioning the familiar view that philosophers from the beginning "loved wisdom" or merely "cultivated their intellect," Moore shows that they were instead mocked as laughably unrealistic for thinking that their incessant talking and study would earn them social status or political and moral authority.

Taking a new approach to the history of early Greek philosophy, Calling Philosophers Names seeks to understand who were called philosophoi or "philosophers" and why, and how the use of and reflections on the word contributed to the rise of a discipline. Drawing on a wide range of evidence, the book demonstrates that a word that began in part as a wry reference to a far-flung political bloc came, hardly a century later, to mean a life of determined self-improvement based on research, reflection, and deliberation. Early philosophy dedicated itself to justifying its own dubious-seeming enterprise. And this original impulse to seek legitimacy holds novel implications for understanding the history of the discipline and its influence.

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