Hitch-22: A Memoir

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È un autore, editorialista, saggista, oratore, critico letterario e religioso, critico sociale e giornalista britannico-americano. Hitchens è stato autore, co-autore, editore o co-editore di oltre 30 libri, comprese cinque raccolte di saggi politici, culturali e letterari. La sua retorica polemica lo ha reso un argomento centrale del discorso pubblico, risultando in lui una figura intellettuale e controversa. Ha contribuito a New Statesman, The Nation, The Weekly Standard, The Atlantic, London Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement, Slate, Free Inquiry e Vanity Fair. Descrivendosi come un socialista democratico, marxista e anti-totalitario, ha rotto con la sinistra politica dopo averla descritta come la "reazione tiepida" della sinistra occidentale al dibattito su The Satanic Verses, seguita dall'abbraccio della sinistra di Bill Clinton e del movimento anti-NATO bellico in Bosnia ed Erzegovina negli anni '90 del secolo scorso. Il suo sostegno alla guerra in Iraq lo separò ulteriormente. I suoi scritti includevano critiche a personaggi pubblici come Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Madre Teresa e Diana, Principessa del Galles. Era il fratello maggiore del giornalista e scrittore conservatore Peter Hitchens. Ha anche chiesto la separazione tra Chiesa e Stato. In quanto critico della divinità, considera le nozioni di divinità o potere superiore come credenze universalistiche che limitano la libertà individuale. Ha sostenuto la libertà di espressione e la scoperta scientifica e che ha la meglio sulla religione come codice di condotta morale per la civiltà umana. La sua famosa affermazione, "Ciò che può essere affermato senza prove può essere negato senza prove" divenne noto come Codice Hitchens.

Descrizione di Il libro

Hitch-22: A Memoir pdf da Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens stands alone among 20th- and 21st-century pundits for his enthusiastic enmity and political flip-flopping, but while he makes no apologies for his beliefs, he does acknowledge their intrinsic contradictions. Critics praised Hitchens's frankness in sharing the details of his mother's suicide and of his breezy bisexuality, but they simultaneously balked at his decision to omit significant people and events (i.e., his wives, his children, and his role in Bill Clinton's impeachment). They also objected to his relentless name-dropping and some overly dense prose, and a few were appalled that Hitchens would continue to insist that Saddam Hussein did indeed possess WMDs. Despite these complaints, Hitch-22 is a sharp, rebellious, and sometimes bawdy account of the making of a modern mastermind.

Starred Review Hitchens, who, in his earlier books, has expressed contempt for both God and Mother Teresa (although not in that order), is often described as a contrarian. In fact, in his book Letters to a Young Contrarian (2001), he himself noted that he “can appear insufferable and annoying,” albeit without intending to. This memoir, bracing, droll, and very revealing, gives him yet another description: storyteller. He writes with a voice you can hear clearly, warmed by smoke and whiskey, and draws readers into his story, which proves as personal as it is political. As with many memoirs, it is not the public moments that are so fascinating, though there are plenty of those. Hitchens takes readers with him to Havana and Prague, Afghanistan and Iraq; tests himself by being waterboarded (he was disappointed in his early capitulation); and hobnobs with politicians and poets. He almost gets himself beaten up by defacing a poster in Iraq with a Hitler mustache. But the most intriguing stories are the personal ones, both from his early days, at home and at boarding school, and from his later life, when he learns that his mother was Jewish, which, if only technically, makes him Jewish as well. This revelation leads Hitchens on a quest to learn the story of his family, many of whom died in the Holocaust. How this new identity squares with his oft-proclaimed atheism sheds a different light on the meaning of religious identity. (He struggles mightily with his political identity as well.) Few authors can rile as easily as Hitchens does, but even his detractors might find it difficult to put down a book so witty, so piercing, so spoiling for a fight.

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