Plan of Attack

Plan of Attack pdf


Bob Woodward









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Robert Upshur Woodward (nato il 26 marzo 1943) è un giornalista investigativo americano. Ha iniziato a lavorare per il Washington Post come reporter nel 1971 e ora detiene il titolo di redattore associato. Mentre era un giovane reporter per il Washington Post nel 1972, Woodward ha collaborato con Carl Bernstein, e i due hanno fatto gran parte delle notizie originali riportando su lo scandalo Watergate. Questi scandali hanno portato a numerose indagini governative e alle eventuali dimissioni del presidente Richard Nixon. Il lavoro di Woodward e Bernstein è stato definito "forse il più grande sforzo giornalistico di tutti i tempi" da Gene Roberts, personaggio di lunga data del giornalismo. Woodward ha continuato a lavorare per il Washington Post dopo il suo reportage sul Watergate. Ha scritto 21 libri sulla politica e l'attualità americana, 13 dei quali sono in cima alla lista dei best seller. Woodward è nato a Geneva, Illinois, figlio di Jane (nata Upshur) e Alfred E. Woodward, un avvocato che in seguito divenne giudice capo della 18th Judicial Circuit Court. È cresciuto nella vicina Wheaton, Illinois, e ha studiato alla Wheaton Community High School (WCHS), una scuola superiore pubblica nella stessa città. I ​​suoi genitori divorziarono quando aveva dodici anni, e lui, suo fratello e sua sorella furono cresciuti dal padre, che successivamente si risposò Dopo essere stato congedato come tenente nell'agosto 1970, Woodward fu ammesso alla Harvard Law School ma decise di non frequentare. Invece, ha fatto domanda per un lavoro come reporter per il Washington Post mentre frequentava corsi di laurea in Shakespeare e relazioni internazionali alla George Washington University. Harry M. Rosenfeld, redattore metropolitano del Post, gli concesse due settimane di prova ma non lo assunse a causa della sua mancanza di esperienza giornalistica. Dopo un anno al Montgomery Sentinel, un settimanale nei sobborghi di Washington, DC, Woodward fu assunto come giornalista del Post nel 1971.

Descrizione di Il libro

Plan of Attack pdf da Bob Woodward

Plan of Attack is the definitive account of how and why President George W. Bush, his war council, and allies launched a preemptive attack to topple Saddam Hussein and occupy Iraq. Bob Woodward's latest landmark account of Washington decision making provides an original, authoritative narrative of behind-the-scenes maneuvering over two years, examining the causes and consequences of the most controversial war since Vietnam.
Based on interviews with 75 key participants and more than three and a half hours of exclusive interviews with President Bush, Plan of Attack is part presidential history charting the decisions made during 16 critical months; part military history revealing precise details and the evolution of the Top Secret war planning under the restricted codeword Polo Step; and part a harrowing spy story as the CIA dispatches a covert paramilitary team into northern Iraq six months before the start of the war. This team recruited 87 Iraqi spies designated with the cryptonym DB/ROCKSTARS, one of whom turned over the personnel files of all 6,000 men in Saddam Hussein's personal security organization.
What emerges are astonishingly intimate portraits: President Bush in war cabinet meetings in the White House Situation Room and the Oval Office, and in private conversation; Dick Cheney, the focused and driven vice president; Colin Powell, the conflicted and cautious secretary of state; Donald Rumsfeld, the controlling war technocrat; George Tenet, the activist CIA director; Tommy Franks, the profane and demanding general; Condoleezza Rice, the ever-present referee and national security adviser; Karl Rove, the hands-on political strategist; other key members of the White House staff and congressional leadership; and foreign leaders ranging from British Prime Minister Blair to Russian President Putin.
Plan of Attack provides new details on the intelligence assessments of Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction and the planning for the war's aftermath.
"PRESIDENT G EORGE W. B USH clamped his arm on his secretary of defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, as a National Security Council meeting in the White House Situation Room was just finishing on Wednesday, November 21, 2001. It was the day before Thanksgiving, just 72 days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the beginning of the eleventh month of Bush’s presidency. “I need to see you,” the president said to Rumsfeld. The affectionate gesture sent a message that important presidential business needed to be discussed in the utmost privacy. Bush knew it was dramatic for him to call the secretary of defense aside. The two men went into one of the small cubbyhole offices adjacent to the Situation Room, closed the door and sat down. “I want you...” the president began, and as is often the case he restarted his sentence. “What kind of a war plan do you have for Iraq? How do you feel about the war plan for Iraq?” Rumsfeld said he didn’t think the Iraq war plan was current. It didn’t represent the thinking of General Tommy Franks, the combatant commander for the region, and it certainly didn’t represent his own thinking. The plan was basically Desert Storm II Plus, he explained, meaning it was a slightly enhanced version of the massive invasion force employed by Bush’s father in the 1991 Gulf War. “I am concerned about all of our war plans,” the secretary added. He poured out some of his accumulated frustrations and consternation. He was reviewing all 68 of the department’s secret war and other contingency plans worldwide and had been for months."

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