GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems

GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems pdf


Paul Bolstad









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Sono un professore presso l'Università del Minnesota - Twin Cities. Lavoro qui dal 1995, con precedenti incarichi presso Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Assistant Professor), University of Wisconsin (PhD, Environmental Institute), Columbia (Research Forester, Pizano, SA), North Carolina State University (MSc, Forestry ), University of Massachusetts (field server) e University of California Berkeley (laurea in scienze forestali). Sono stato chiamato ecologista dell'ecosistema, geografo, guardia forestale, scienziato geomatico e modellatore, e tutte queste descrizioni sono parzialmente corrette. Il mio lavoro abbraccia queste discipline e ho avuto la fortuna di collaborare con persone intelligenti in tutte queste aree. Il mio insegnamento si concentra sulla raccolta di dati spaziali e sull'analisi ambientale, principalmente in un ampio corso introduttivo ai GIS, in molti corsi avanzati di scienza e tecnologia GIS e nel corso occasionale di ecologia. Gran parte della mia ricerca si è concentrata sul ciclo dell'acqua e del carbonio dalla scala fogliare a quella regionale, principalmente negli ecosistemi forestali, principalmente negli stati dei laghi meridionali e delle foreste degli Appalachi. Un altro obiettivo importante è lo sviluppo e l'applicazione del telerilevamento e dell'analisi spaziale per determinare la struttura della vegetazione e i disturbi del paesaggio umano, più recentemente utilizzando LiDAR discreto ad alta risoluzione.

Descrizione di Il libro

GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems pdf da Paul Bolstad

A First Text on Geographic Information Systems Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based tools for the entry, maintenance, and analysis of spatial data. GIS are critical for effective resource management, and have been applied across a wide range of science, business, and government endeavours. This book provides an introduction to the theory and application of GIS. It is written for use in a first-year GIS class and as a reference for the GIS practitioner. This sixth edition balances theoretical and practical material, so that students may apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems. Improvements over the previous editions are included in each chapter. Topics treated include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections, data entry, image data, GPS, digital data, database systems in GIS, general spatial analysis, raster analysis, terrain modeling, metadata, standards, and accuracy assessments. The bestselling GIS textbook by Paul Bolstad is now even better! Improvements in GIS Fundamentals, 6th Edition. Updates to improve clarity in each chapter include: 80+ new or modified figures. Additional and edited questions at the end of each chapter. Expanded discussion of topology and three dimensional data models. Added descriptions of the new national 2022 datum, vertical datum adjustment, and local sea level datums. Description of new and modernized GNSS systems. Reorganization of the chapter on remote sensing, and updates to cover new satellite systems and methods. Focused improvements in the databases chapter on foreign keys and multi-table joins. Reorganization of the introductory analysis chapter, expanded coverage on reclassification, and a new discussion on attribute recalculations during dissolve operations. Updates on new methods in raster and terrain analysis chapters. Expanded description of applied spatial models. Updated glossary, data sources, and useful conversions and formulas appendices.

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