Our republican Constitution: securing the liberty and sovereignty of We the people

Our republican Constitution: securing the liberty and sovereignty of We the people pdf


Randy Barnett








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Randy E. Barnett è professore di teoria giuridica alla Carmack Waterhouse presso il Georgetown University Law Center, dove insegna diritto costituzionale e contrattualistica. Dopo la laurea presso la Northwestern University e la Harvard Law School, ha processato molti casi di reato come procuratore presso l'ufficio del procuratore dello stato della contea di Cook a Chicago. È stato visiting professor presso la Northwestern e la Harvard Law School. Nel 2008 ha ricevuto una borsa di studio Guggenheim in Studi costituzionali. Nel 2004, Barnett è comparso davanti alla Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti per discutere il caso della cannabis medica di Gonzalez v. Raich. Tiene conferenze a livello internazionale ed è apparso in programmi radiofonici e televisivi come CBS Evening News, PBS NewsHour, Talk of the Nation (NPR), Hannity & Colmes (FOX) e Ricki Lake Show. Ha tenuto le lezioni Kobe 2000 in giurisprudenza presso l'Università di Tokyo e l'Università Doshisha di Kyoto. La borsa di studio di Barnett comprende più di 80 articoli e recensioni, nonché 8 libri, tra cui Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty (Princeton, 2004), Constitutional Law: Cases in Context (Aspen 2008), Contracts Cases and Doctrine (Aspen, 4th ed. 2008) e La nostra costituzione repubblicana: garantire la libertà e la sovranità di noi persone (Broadside Books, 2016).

Descrizione di Il libro

Our republican Constitution: securing the liberty and sovereignty of We the people pdf da Randy Barnett

Creating our republican Constitution -- Improving our republican Constitution -- Preserving our republican Constitution -- Conclusion : redeeming our republican Constitution.;"From the early days of the American republic, the nature of government "of the people, by the people, for the people" has been disputed. This is because there are not one but two very different notions of "We the People" and popular sovereignty, which yield competing schools of constitutional thought. The democrats view We the People collectively and think popular sovereignty resides in the people as a group. They view the Constitution as a living document and contend that today's majority should not be governed by the dead hand of past majorities. The republicans view We the People as a collection of individuals. Their vision of government is that it should not reflect the will of the majority--but rather secure the preexisting rights of each and every person to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This fundamental disagreement lies at the heart of our current national divide. In [this book], Barnett tells the fascinating story of how this conflict arose shortly after the Revolution, leading to the adoption of a new and innovative republican constitution; and how the struggle and eventual victory over slavery led to its improvement by a newly formed Republican Party. Yet soon after, progressive academics and activists urged the courts to remake it into a democratic constitution by ignoring key passages of its text. And eventually the courts complied. ... Drawing from his deep knowledge of constitutional law and history ..., Barnett explains why We the People would benefit greatly from the renewal of our Republican Constitution, and how this can be accomplished in the courts and political arena."--Jacket.

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