The summit: Bretton Woods, 1944: J.M. Keynes and the reshaping of the global economy

The summit: Bretton Woods, 1944: J.M. Keynes and the reshaping of the global economy pdf


Edmund Conway








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Ed è editore di economia e dati, che copre le principali storie economiche, economiche e politiche del Regno Unito e internazionali. Ha rotto una serie di servizi esclusivi sulla crisi bancaria e finanziaria. È anche editorialista economico per The Times ed è stato uno dei redattori economici più longevi del giornalismo britannico, avendo iniziato a occuparsi del settore nel 2003. Prima di entrare in Sky, è stato redattore economico di The Daily Telegraph e The Sunday Telegraph, dove è stato anche editorialista settimanale di editoriali, e corrispondente economico per il Daily Mail. Ed è l'autore del libro su Bretton Woods, The Summit: The Biggest Battle Of The Second World War – Fought Behind Closed Doors (Little, Brown, 2014) e di una guida economica, 50 Economics Ideas You Really Need to Know (Quercus, 2009). Ed è governatore del National Institute for Economic and Social Research e ha tenuto conferenze sul sistema monetario internazionale presso la London School of Economics, il Tesoro degli Stati Uniti e molti altri forum.

Descrizione di Il libro

The summit: Bretton Woods, 1944: J.M. Keynes and the reshaping of the global economy pdf da Edmund Conway

The meeting of world leaders at Bretton Woods in 1944 was the only time countries from around the world agreed to overhaul the structure of the international monetary system. The system they set up presided over the longest, strongest, and most stable period of growth the world economy has ever seen. At the very heart of the conference was the love-hate relationship between the Briton John Maynard Keynes, the greatest economist of his day, and his American counterpart Harry Dexter White (later revealed to be passing information secretly to Russian spies). Both were intent on creating an economic settlement that would put right the wrongs of Versailles. Both were working to prevent another world war. But they were also working to defend their countries' national interests. Abstract: The meeting of world leaders at Bretton Woods in 1944 was the only time countries from around the world agreed to overhaul the structure of the international monetary system. The system they set up presided over the longest, strongest, and most stable period of growth the world economy has ever seen. At the very heart of the conference was the love-hate relationship between the Briton John Maynard Keynes, the greatest economist of his day, and his American counterpart Harry Dexter White (later revealed to be passing information secretly to Russian spies). Both were intent on creating an economic settlement that would put right the wrongs of Versailles. Both were working to prevent another world war. But they were also working to defend their countries' national interests

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