Books That Matter: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Books That Matter: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire pdf


Лео Дамрош









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Лео Дамрош — американский писатель и профессор. В 2001 году он был назначен профессором литературы Эрнеста Бернбаума в Гарвардском университете. Он получил B.A. из Йельского университета, степень магистра Кембриджского университета, где он был стипендиатом Маршалла, и докторскую степень. из Принстонского университета. Его области академической специальности включают романтизм, Просвещение и пуританство. «Страдания квакера Иисуса» Дамроша — одно из самых важных недавних исследований ранней истории Общества Друзей. Его «Жан-Жак Руссо: Неугомонный гений» (2005) стал финалистом Национальной книжной премии за документальную литературу и лауреатом премии LL Winship/PEN New England в 2006 году за лучшую научно-популярную работу. Среди других его книг: «Символ и истина в мифах Блейка» (1980), «Заговор Бога и истории человека: исследования художественного воображения от Мильтона до Филдинга» (1985), «Вымыслы реальности в эпоху Юма и Джонсона». (1987) и «Открытие Америки Токвилем» (2010).

Описание книги

Books That Matter: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire pdf Лео Дамрош

In Books That Matter: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Professor Damrosch invites you on a riveting, 24-lecture examination of this great work from multiple perspectives; as a vast historical chronicle, as a compelling masterpiece of literature, as a sharp commentary on cultural mores, and as a cautionary tale to Enlightenment Europe. An engaging, chapter-by-chapter guide to the Decline and Fall, Professor Damrosch’s course helps you navigate the book’s themes, structure, philosophies, background, and lasting influence. Whether you’ve read the book before and are looking for new ways to think about it, or whether you’ve always wanted to read it but never knew where to start, Professor Damrosch’s lectures are a fascinating, rewarding, and authoritative guide to the enduring legacy of a once-mighty empire—and the great book that became its eulogy and epitaph.

For all its renown as a work of style, elegance, wit, and insight, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire can be intimidating for the armchair historian. Published between 1776 and 1781, the six volumes contain 1.5 million words, an estimated 8,000 footnotes, a cast of 10,000 historical figures, and they span a timeline of more than 1,000 years.

Yet, even today, centuries after its original publication, Gibbon’s historical chronicle demands to be read and understood. There are several important reasons for this, according to Dr. Leo Damrosch, Professor of Literature Emeritus at Harvard University:

First, while later historians have brought fresh perspectives to the Roman Empire’s collapse, Gibbon’s book remains profoundly truthful in the events it recounts, bringing what Professor Damrosch calls a “unifying, insight-inspiring perspective to the past.”

Second, a great work of history is just as much about storytelling as it is about events. Gibbon is a masterful storyteller, and his Decline and Fall still has the ability to hook modern-day readers with its style and manner—just like a great novel.

And third, Gibbon was (and remains) a landmark historian who revolutionized the way writers think about and interpret the past. Despite being a product of his time in certain views, his techniques and insights would lay the foundation for generations of future historians.

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